[Sis-dtn] Today's meeting...

Robert C Durst durst at mitre.org
Thu Jan 11 14:06:24 UTC 2024



Today, Jonathan and Simon will be discussing GSFC’s QoS Policy Parameters
document (attached) and Felix and Teresa will discuss the ESA work on QoS.
Unfortunately, I have a meeting that will force me to join the meeting late.


 <mailto:lgarzone at mitre.org> @Linda and/or  <mailto:mrefaei at mitre.org>
@Tamer – can you open the meeting?  I believe that it’s set to automatically
record, but if you could confirm that, I’d be most grateful.


Also, as I indicated last week, I now have conflict every other week that
directly overlaps with our call.  I’d like to get the sense of the group for
how best to deal with this issue:

1.	Shift ½ hour or 1 hour earlier on the same day (and which option).
2.	Shift ½ hour or 1 hour later on the same day (and which).
3.	Find a different day – Fridays were ruled out last week because a
meeting on late Friday afternoon for the Europeans is pretty unpopular.  I
suspect that Monday is ruled out for a similar reason for the JPL crew
(early Monday?  Ugh.).  So, are Tuesday or Wednesday better (at the current
11am US Eastern Time)?  
4.	Switch to every-other-week meetings at the current time. 
(Beginning next week, which I’ll miss anyway because I’ll be on travel, darn
it, but subsequently 2/1, 2/15, 2/29(!), 3/14, etc.)
5.	None of the above work.


If I knew how to do basic Outlook things, I’d use that “New Scheduling Poll”
button at the top of this menu.  But I don’t, so please respond with your
choice of 1-5, above, plus qualifiers as needed.


Apologies for the scheduling hassle.



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