[Sis-dtn] Bundle in Bundle Encapsulation (BIBE) - contacts

Alberto Montilla (SPATIAM) a.montilla at spatiam.com
Wed Jan 10 15:13:15 UTC 2024

Hi Folks;

As we discussed last meeting, I asked IETF DTN WG for its stance on Bundle in Bundle Encapsulation, response was positive, “It is in charter”. I will proceed with resuming the draft work there, taking input from Scott and Joshua (and anyone else from this group that has a view on use cases or requirements).

Robert, please let me know if you would like to have direct contact with the IETF DTN WG Chairpersons for coordination, so they understand the importance of progressing this. Anyhow, typically, I and other co-authors would be presenting an introduction to the work hopefully in the IETF meeting (I believe March) where we can talk about the importance to CCSDS.


Dr. Alberto Montilla
Creating the Interplanetary Internet
T: +1 469 525 1496
E: a.montilla at spatiam.com<mailto:a.montilla at spatiam.com>
Subscribe<https://cdn.forms-content.sg-form.com/9bdb4ae5-b676-11ec-a4f4-2a850821b4f7> to The Bundle

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