[Moims-dai] FW: ISO23081 : standard metadatas

John Garrett garrett at his.com
Wed Apr 27 16:24:07 UTC 2016



I thought I pass this on from one of the ISO groups with which we have a


From: agnes.ripollghys at orange.com [mailto:agnes.ripollghys at orange.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 11:26 AM
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Cc: Marianne APTEL XDEMAT <marianne.aptel at xdemat.fr>;
sylvie.dessolin at soprasteria.com; JULES Arnaud SG <arnaud.jules at orange.com>;
COTTIN Michel IMT/OLPS <michel.cottin at orange.com>;
sabine.donnardcusse at afnor.org
Subject: ISO23081 : standard metadatas




I am contacting you as a member of the French delegation that will attend
ISO TC46SC11 meeting in Wellington, more particularly on the subject of the
current revision of ISO 23081 (metadatas for RM). I work as a project
manager for Orange (on the EDRMS, LIVEDOC), with Arnaud Jules and Michel

As announced in December during the vote on the revision of the ISO23081,
the French committee AFNOR CN46-11 and the Records Management Commission of
the Association of French Archivists (AAF) are currently working on a formal
proposition of a metadata set including the minimum requirements to manage
records, that could be presented as a standard to be used as a basic support
for organizations wishing to set up or optimize their RM system.

Therefore, you will find the last version of this work attached to this
mail, including our opinion about the inclusion of such a standard in the


I would very much appreciate if you could give us your opinion about our
project to include in ISO 23081 revision a set of minimum required medatada.
If you are interested as to be involved in such a project please feel free
to tell us and join us.


I am looking forward to your reply and see you in Wellingon,


Best regards,

Agnès Ripoll Ghys





Agnès Ripoll Ghys


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