[CESG] FW: [EXTERNAL] [SSG] Set of proposed PID dispositions from CESG review of CCSDS 315.1-Y-0, the new CCSDS URN Namespace Policy

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 19 18:00:49 UTC 2020

Dear CESG,

Attached please find the last set of PID dispositions that resulted from the CESG review of CCSDS 315.1-Y--0, the new draft CCSDS URN Namespace Policy document.  This has been reviewed by members of the SSG and no substantive issues were identified.  It was also sent to the specific CESG members who raised PIDs and no replies have been received.

Unless there are objections raised at this point I think we can consider these resolutions for the PIDs acceptable and therefore request the CTE to process these changes to this document.   I ask you all to please confirm that these resolutions are, in fact, acceptable.

This is the last of the four SANA and URN related documents that had conditions raised during the CESG review that closed on 2/19/2020.

Best regards, Peter

From: SSG <ssg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> on behalf of "SANA Steering Group (SSG)" <ssg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Reply-To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 3:48 PM
To: "SANA Steering Group (SSG)" <ssg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [SSG] Set of proposed PID dispositions from CESG review of CCSDS 315.1-Y-0, the new CCSDS URN Namespace Policy

Dear SSG colleagues,

I have prepared a set of initial PID dispositions that resulted from the CESG review of CCSDS 315.1-Y--0, the new draft CCSDS URN Namespace Policy document.  This is the last yellow book from this set of reviews that needs to be processed.

There are two sets of files:
1.      A set that consists of the text inputs from several CESG members along with my proposed resolutions
2.      A set that contains only inputs from Gippo (GPC), using from/to language, along with my proposed resolutions
3.      The draft doc that was reviewed is also attached for reference

Please review these and provide feedback no later than CoB Friday, 13 March.  I know that this is not much time, but I am trying to get this doc turned around before the working meetings.

Thanks for your support, Peter

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