[CESG] SEA Resolutions, SEA-R-2019-02, numbers 002 thru 008. Revisions to 2018-05 SANA resolutions that have been on hold.

Shames, Peter M (312B) Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Feb 14 16:03:12 UTC 2019

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

During the Spring 2018 meeting the CESG discussed and approved a set of resolutions from the SANA Steering Group (SSG) asking the CMC to perform the duties assigned to them by the Registry Management Policy (RMP) and also to provide necessary information to update these registries.  These resolutions were approved by the CESG, submitted to the CMC, and then placed on hold because of lack of a quorum and some identified concerns that were not registered in the formal votes.

To resolve those concerns we were asked to present a set of materials to the CMC at the Berlin Meeting in Fall 2018.  That resulted in a request to the SEA / SSG to lead an effort to update the SANA databases using the information in the CCSDS website and to integrate use of the SANA registries directly into the CCSDS website displays.  We proposed to produce a set of web pages that demonstrate that this integrated approach would work, using the SANA organization and contacts databases as the source of truth.  That has now been done and there are a set of beta webpages that may be evaluated by the CMC and the CESG.  See the attached presentation that was just presented to the CMC for the beta page URLs.

The last page of this presentation includes the set of resolutions that the CESG had previously agreed to in May 2018.  The final versions of these resolutions, as submitted to the CMC, may be found here.  https://public.ccsds.org/polls/SitePages/CMC%20Closed%20Polls.aspx  The CMC just discussed this and agreed to close these open polls and review a new set of resolution with some minor edits that they requested.

In order to follow normal CCSDS procedures I am asking that the CESG re-approve the previous resolutions, including the minor changes, shown in green, that were requested by the CMC for clarity.  New text is in green.  Changes to existing text are shown with strike-out.

Secretariat:  Please submit these SEA resolutions for CESG approval and forward those approved to the CMC.

SEA-R-2019-02-002 Request that each CCSDS Agency and Observer ensure that they have at least one authorized Agency Representative (AR) for managing Agency information in the SANA, and that this information is updated
SEA-R-2019-02-003 Require that each Agency Representative (AR) with the assigned role shall be asked to review the newly imported Mission / Spacecraft from the CCSDS Website, and identify overlapping, aliased, missing, and/or retired entries, and request that they be updated
SEA-R-2019-02-004 Approve providing controlled access to the SANA CCSDS Service Site and Aperture Registry (SS&A) for both read only and write operations by CCSDS members with CWE access
SEA-R-2019-02-005 Approve providing write access to Agency Representatives (AR) assigned the role by their organization so that they may update only their own agency or other organization information in the SANA CCSDS Service Site and Aperture Registry (SS&A)
SEA-R-2019-02-006 Require that each Agency Representative (AR) with the assigned role shall be asked to review the SANA CCSDS Service Site and Aperture Registry (SS&A) registry, identify any incorrect, missing, and/or retired entries, and ensure that they are updated
SEA-R-2019-02-007 Approve the SANA Operator marking all Glossary entries (both Terms and Acronyms) that have a relevant, approved, document as “Approved” and not “Provisional”
SEA-R-2019-02-008 Request specific extension of existing TC20/SC13/CCSDS and TC20/SC14 liaison agreement to jointly work on extending the CCSDS Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS, CCSDS 311.0-M-1)

The following old resolution is already completed.
SEA-R-2018-05-005 Require that the CCSDS Secretariat (website operator) shall provide their current Organization, HoD, and PoC information in a form that can be ingested into the SANA Organization registry (done)

Thanks, Peter

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