[SOIS-WIR] [EXTERNAL] Re: Updated CCSDS-883-0-R-0 on the CWE
Issler Jean-Luc
Jean-Luc.Issler at cnes.fr
Wed Jun 16 17:25:07 UTC 2021
Dear Kevin, dear all,
Please find here the attached CNES answers and proposals, looking forward your understanding of CNES and Radio Astronomers high level concerns, and a consensus.
Have a nice day; VBR
De : Martin.Drobczyk at dlr.de <Martin.Drobczyk at dlr.de>
Envoyé : mercredi 16 juin 2021 07:50
À : kevin.gifford at colorado.edu; Issler Jean-Luc <Jean-Luc.Issler at cnes.fr>; sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org; peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Cc : raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov; chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov; stephen_braham at sfu.ca; brian.cascarano at canada.ca
Objet : AW: AW: AW: AW: [EXTERNAL] Re: Updated CCSDS-883-0-R-0 on the CWE
Hi all,
number 1 is a very important statement/requirement (maybe the most important) and already builds the framework for number 3 which can be from my point of view an informational note, as long as number 1 is a requirement. Because the statement in number 1 delegates the frequency selection and verification to the bodies and authorized representatives responsible for it. And it clearly and implicitly states, that this book recommends the wireless terrestrial standards but without any guarantee and authority to use them in the terrestrial bands, but instead be (always) compliant with any SFCG and SLS RFM decisions, clauses or normative statements regarding frequency selection.
For this reason, I would also agree with Kevin that number 2 is out of the scope of this document as it is already enclosed in the statement of number 1 ".. verified liaising with RFM WG..", and the verification process needs to be established there.
Best regards
Von: Kevin K Gifford <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu<mailto:kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021 18:07
An: Issler Jean-Luc <Jean-Luc.Issler at cnes.fr<mailto:Jean-Luc.Issler at cnes.fr>>; sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org>; Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Ray Wagner <raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov<mailto:raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov>>; Lansdowne, Chatwin (JSC-EV811) <chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov>>; Stephen Braham <stephen_braham at sfu.ca<mailto:stephen_braham at sfu.ca>>; Cascarano, Brian (ASC/CSA) <brian.cascarano at canada.ca<mailto:brian.cascarano at canada.ca>>; Kevin K Gifford <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu<mailto:kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>>; Drobczyk, Martin <Martin.Drobczyk at dlr.de<mailto:Martin.Drobczyk at dlr.de>>
Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: [EXTERNAL] Re: Updated CCSDS-883-0-R-0 on the CWE
[ + Peter Shames ]
Dear Jean-Luc -
Thank you for your updated proposal. I believe we are getting close to a resolution and again am very thankful to be addressing this issue with yourself and CNES.
Thanks also for acknowledging that CNES is aware of the directions provided by Peter Shames (CESG) to the SOIS-WIR WG on this issue. Per Peter Shames' instructions, the CCSDS-883-0-R-0 document:
-- Shall state normatively that all spectrum coordination must go through the SLS-RFM and the SFCG
-- Cannot make any normative statements regarding frequency assignments
The SOIS-WIR counter proposal is as follows:
----- 1 -------
A requirement shall be added to section 3 to state that: "use of / allocation of frequencies" shall be verified liaising with RFM WG before selecting any of non-SFCG wireless frequency band with a NOTE remarking that "This recommended standard does not provide normative guidance in the frequency values of the permitted bands to be used by the wireless terrestrial standards in addition to applicable SFCG bands"
----- 2 -------
The added requirement shall be reflected in the PICS Annex by a relevant "Frequency Usage Verification Procedure" to be added to the existing Network Connectivity Verification Procedure, Network Performance Verification Procedure, QoS Verification Procedure.
Rationale: The CCSDS Yellow Book is required for interoperability conformance verifications. A "SLS-RFM or SFCG" Frequency Verification Procedure is out of scope for CCDSD-883-0-R-0; SOIS-WIR firmly believes this procedure is in purview of SLS-RFM.
----- 3 -------
For the CNES proposed text below the SOIS-WIR WG will accept this text as an Informational Note but not as a Normative statement:
In any case, radiated volontary emissions (in allocated channels) and unvolontary emissions (from corresponding spurious) made by RF wireless transmitting devices of all types in the lunar or martian environment, which would cause frequency overlaps with the lunar and martian communication orbit to surface bands of (1) 2483.5-2500 MHz [33], [40]; or (2) a 3.5 MHz upper guard band between 2500 MHz and 2503.5 MHz; or (3) as well as the 3.5 MHz lower guard band between 2480 MHz and 2483.5 MHz [33], [40], shall not be permitted.
The related SFCG lower guard band [33], [40] protecting this lunar and martian communication orbit to surface band shall not be overlaped. SFCG will define the related upper guard band [33], [40] after the publication of this Bleu Book. This upper guard band, when defined, shall not be overlaped. By Waiting the SFCG definition of this upper guard band, the Adopter should define this upper guard band by using the "Frequency Usage Verification Procedure" of the PICS Annex.
[40] Frequency assignment guidelines for communications in the Mars region. Space Frequency Coordination Group. Recommendation SFCG 22-1R3. Reference [40] will become SFCG 22-1R4 when this SFCG Recommendation will be edited.
Rationale: Per CESG instructions, no normative statements regarding spectrum bands, channels or guard bands are to be allowed.. in CCSDS-883-0-R-0.
The SOIS-WIR WG will publicize/discuss the above proposal with Peter Shames to ensure that our Working Groupo is properly following CESG expectations.
Jean-Luc: Would CNES accept the above proposal?
From: SOIS-WIR <sois-wir-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sois-wir-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>> on behalf of Issler Jean-Luc <Jean-Luc.Issler at cnes.fr<mailto:Jean-Luc.Issler at cnes.fr>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 7:04 AM
To: sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org> <sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:sois-wir at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: [SOIS-WIR] TR: AW: AW: AW: [EXTERNAL] Re: Updated CCSDS-883-0-R-0 on the CWE
Dear all,
Please find here a wording for an updated proposal : modifications of the first paragraph are tracked, and a second paragraph has been added in order to not write any guard band bandwidth value (as proposed by Mr Shame in his E-mail bellow), and to not preclude about future SFCG decisions while protecting Radio Astronomy, this last point beeing as you know a very important challenge for CNES and the Radio Astronomers, very concerned about this guard band issue.
In any case, radiated volontary emissions (in allocated channels) and unvolontary emissions (from corresponding spurious) made by RF wireless transmitting devices of all types in the lunar or martian environment, which would cause frequency overlaps with the lunar and martian communication orbit to surface bands of (1) 2483.5-2500 MHz [33], [40]; or (2) a 3.5 MHz upper guard band between 2500 MHz and 2503.5 MHz; or (3) as well as the 3.5 MHz lower guard band between 2480 MHz and 2483.5 MHz [33], [40], shall not be permitted.
The related SFCG lower guard band [33], [40] protecting this lunar and martian communication orbit to surface band shall not be overlaped. SFCG will define the related upper guard band [33], [40] after the publication of this Bleu Book. This upper guard band, when defined, shall not be overlaped. By Waiting the SFCG definition of this upper guard band, the Adopter should define this upper guard band by using the "Frequency Usage Verification Procedure" of the PICS Annex.
[40] Frequency assignment guidelines for communications in the Mars region. Space Frequency Coordination Group. Recommendation SFCG 22-1R3. Reference [40] will become SFCG 22-1R4 when this SFCG Recommendation will be edited.
What do you think please ?
What do you think about the update proposal of the note in blue bellow please ?
Following Mr Shame's message bellow, and some discussions that occur, it is not clear enougth in the 883B red book weather the wireless architecture standard refering to a certain number of terrestrial wireless standards is normative regarding the wireless standard frequencies or not. According to Mr Shame, the wireless frequencies shall not be normative. To make this ambiguity desapear, CNES proposes to add in the normative chapter 3 the following:
1) A requirement shall be added to section 3 to state that: "use of / allocation of frequencies" shall be verified liaising with RFM WG before selecting any of non-SFCG wireless frequency band with a NOTE remarking that "This recommended standard does not provide normative guidance in the frequency values of the permited bands to be used by the wireless terrestrial standards in addition to applicable SFCG bands"
2) The added requirement shall be reflected in the PICS Annex by a relevant "Frequency Usage Verification Procedure" to be added to the existing Network Connectivity Verification Procedure, Network Performance Verification Procedure, QoS Verification Procedure.
What do you think about this proposal following Mr Shame's remarks
Looking forward a consensus, in order to make all the CNES RIDs to have disposition, and to have a normative guard band text (without any guard band bandwidth value as now wished) letting a chance for Radio Astronomy continuum observations in the Shielded Zone of the Moon.
From: "Shames, Peter M (US 312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
To: "Gian Paolo Calzolari" <Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int<mailto:Gian.Paolo.Calzolari at esa.int>>, "Gilles Moury" <Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr<mailto:Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr>>, "Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int<mailto:Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int>" <Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int<mailto:Enrico.Vassallo at esa.int>>
Cc: "Wilmot, Jonathan J. (GSFC-5820)" <jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov<mailto:jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov>>, "Wagner, Raymond S. (JSC-EV811)" <raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov<mailto:raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov>>, "Kevin K Gifford" <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu<mailto:kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>>, "Lee, Dennis K (US 332G)" <dennis.k.lee at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:dennis.k.lee at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Date: 09/06/21 23:58
Subject: Potential SLS / RFM issue
Dear Gippo, Gilles, and Enrico,
I just had a discussion with a couple of the SOIS Wireless (WIR) WG guys, Gifford and Wagner. I think that the major issues that I perceived, vis-à-vis handling their "near-by" link layer protocols in a fashion consistent with the rest of the space link protocols has been dealt with. In the SANA we will treat them as two separate protocols from the rest of the SLS standards, and we will register the identifiers assigned by their "home" standards organizations in their own SANA SCID registries.
The reference to SANA SCID registries, of course, implies that they will also need to align with the Q-SCID frequency bands as well, and those are aligned with RFM WG and SFCG practices. I do not believe that any of you have an issue with any of this.
The WG has experienced some push back, from both NASA and CNES members, regarding the inclusion of statements about frequency bands or frequency allocations in any bands. I have advised the SOIS WIR to not provide any sort of normative guidance in this matter and to defer to the RFM WG for all questions regarding use of / allocation of frequencies. This is under the assumption that you will, in turn, rely upon the SFCG to provide the formal guidance and frequency allocations in accordance with established international practices and regulations.
I am writing now just to ascertain that you all concur. I believe that the SOIS WIR needs to just acknowledge this situation and, for questions about frequency allocations, to guide the users of these standards to the RFM WG and the SFCG.
Do you agree?
Thanks, Peter
De : Issler Jean-Luc
Envoyé : mardi 8 juin 2021 19:15
À : 'Kevin K Gifford' <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu<mailto:kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>>
Cc : chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov>; brian.cascarano at canada.ca<mailto:brian.cascarano at canada.ca>; david.ni-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:david.ni-1 at nasa.gov>; Andre.Luebken at dlr.de<mailto:Andre.Luebken at dlr.de>; warp <warp at polylab.sfu.ca<mailto:warp at polylab.sfu.ca>>; Martin.Drobczyk at dlr.de<mailto:Martin.Drobczyk at dlr.de>; Ray Wagner <raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov<mailto:raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov>>
Objet : RE: AW: AW: AW: [EXTERNAL] Re: Updated CCSDS-883-0-R-0 on the CWE
Dear all, and thank you Stephen, Martin and Kevin for your updates
Please find here CNES proposal
In any case, radiated volontary emissions (in allocated channels) and unvolontary emissions (from corresponding spurious) made by RF wireless transmitting devices of all types in the lunar or martian environment, which would cause frequency overlaps with the lunar and martian communication orbit to surface bands of (1) 2483.5-2500 MHz [33], [40]; or (2) a 3.5 MHz upper guard band between 2500 MHz and 2503.5 MHz; or (3) as well as the 3.5 MHz lower guard band between 2480 MHz and 2483.5 MHz [33], [40], shall not be permitted.
Ref [40] is:
[40] Frequency assignment guidelines for communications in the Mars region. Space Frequency Coordination Group. Recommendation SFCG 22-1R3.
As already explained, for CNES, the 3GPP terrestrial standard in the 2496-2620 MHz band (not SFCG) cannot be normative (with the discussed band restriction), if the discussed bands to protect (orbit to surface band and its guard bands) are not normatively protected. This text shall therefore effectively be out of a NOTE.
We propose this text above to be just before the NOTEs of paragraph 3.1.1 GENERAL ( Alternatively, this text above could be just before the NOTE of paragraph 3.1 OVERVIEW )
Since the EARFCN paragraph is proposed to be not kept, the related references [40] and [41] on E UTRA appearing in this paragraph are proposed to be removed, and the martian SFCG doc would have reference [40].
We also propose to update the last NOTE of paragraph 3.1.1 as follows:
The frequency band choices for lunar or martian surface wireless transmissions could be impacted by ITU REC [38] and by the Radio Regulation [39] applicable in the Shielded Zone of the Moon (SZM). Adopters must also ensure compatibility with ITU Radio Regulations, and Space Agencies must ensure clearance for an SFCG Waiver when the chosen frequency band is not recommended in [33] or in [40].
I uploaded on CWE a new version of the red book with all the proposed updates (without the ones in green that I realized after to be needed).
It is mandatory for CNES to have consensus on the proposals in this E-mail before our WG to submit to SESG a resolution for publication of 883-0-R-0 : looking forward a consensus.
Have a nice day/evening VBR
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