[Sls-slp] Proposed Corrigendum to AOS, TM and TC SDLPs - SCID SANA Registry

Kazz, Greg J (312B) Greg.J.Kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Jan 28 17:47:31 UTC 2019

Dear SLP WG members,

Attached is a pdf file containing a proposal so that all of the link layer books would be consistent with USLP on the matter of referencing the assignment of SCIDs by SANA.  Please see the attachment.
We will discuss this item at our 2019 Spring meeting. Your comments are of course welcome now.

Best regards,

Greg Kazz
Principal Engineer
Technical Group Supervisor,
Project Software and End-to-End Information Systems Engineering (312B)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr., M/S 301-490
Pasadena, CA 91109
1+(818)393 6529(voice)
1+(818)393 6871(fax)
email: greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov

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