FW: ESA input for: [SLS-SLP] JAXA RIDs on AOS + TM Pink Sheets

Kazz, Greg J greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Mar 23 18:55:21 UTC 2009


The problem with the term, "OID Frame" or "Only Idle Data" Frame  is that it still doesn't clearly convey the fact that the PAYLOAD or FRAME DATA FIELD of the frame contains idle data, and that other fields of the transfer frame such as Insert Zone (AOS), Frame Secondary Header (TM), or OCF (all) DO NOT contain Idle data.
Until we have a clear way of specifying that concept, we haven't really made progress unfortunately.

So I believe the distinction we are trying to make is about frames that contain idle data in the Frame Data Field, therefore 'FDFI' Frame for 'Frame Data Field Idle'.

Your comments?


From: Greenberg, Edward
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 9:03 AM
To: Kazz, Greg J
Subject: Re: ESA input for: [SLS-SLP] JAXA RIDs on AOS + TM Pink Sheets

OID is Only Idle Data. If frame contains Insert Data then it isn't OID.  You could call it NFDI for No Frame Data Included

On 3/23/09 8:54 AM, "Kazz, Greg J" <greg.j.kazz at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
1) An Idle Packet carries no useful data: This applies to an Idle Space
Packet and to an Idle (or Fill) Encapsulation Packet (see below).
However, the AOS Insert Service uses the Insert Field of every Transfer
Frame on the Physical Channel, including the Idle Frames. Therefore, an
Idle Frame can carry useful data so the name "Idle Frame" is not fully
appropriate. The Pink Sheets provide the new name "OID Frame".

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