[SLS-CC] Final version of Orange NGU codes (NASA+DLR)

Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de
Mon Nov 17 16:59:09 UTC 2014

Dear All,

As agreed during the recent London meeting, I've updated the orange book according to the last comments. As such, the attached version can be considered the final one for possible publication.

In this respect, I kindly request Massimo to proceed with the resolution for the approval process so that the draft book can be forwarded to Tom Gannett for the editorial/formatting operations.

Best Regards,


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Communications and Navigation | Satellite Networks | Oberpfaffenhofen | 82234 Wessling | Germany
Tomaso de Cola, Ph.D.
Telefon +49 8153 28-2156 | Telefax  +49 8153 28-2844 | tomaso.decola at dlr.de<mailto:tomaso.decola at dlr.de>

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