[Sis-mia] [EXTERNAL] Good LIF talk!

Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-AS50)[EMERITUS PROGRAM] rodney.p.grubbs at nasa.gov
Tue May 14 19:33:28 UTC 2024

I will look into it. As my days appear to now be numbered as MIA WG Chair this would no doubt pass on to whomever succeeds me….

“Live Life Forward”
Rodney Grubbs, NASA Emeritus & ESDMD Consultant
Chair, CCSDS Motion Imagery & Applications Working Group
931-229-6030 (Personal phone)

Note: I retired from NASA on March 31, 2023. My Emeritus status only relates to supporting NASA/MSFC’s CCSDS matters.

From: "Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de" <Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de>
Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 4:18 AM
To: "Grubbs, Rodney P. (MSFC-AS50)[EMERITUS PROGRAM]" <rodney.p.grubbs at nasa.gov>
Cc: "sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org" <sis-mia at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: WG: [EXTERNAL] Good LIF talk!

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Hi Rodney, MIA folks

we have received this from Peter, where there are pointers to some current technology trends with respect to voice/video communication achieved via QUIC/Web Transport with the possible support of L4S.

If I’m not wrong the current video over DTN book is not addressing any of these, which is totally fine. I don’t know either to which extent considering these for future activities of MIA can be meaningful. What do you think?

Thank you,


Von: Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2024 03:05
An: Howie Weiss (Howard.Weiss at parsons.com) <Howard.Weiss at parsons.com>; Daniel Fischer <Daniel.Fischer at esa.int>; Ignacio Sanchez-Aguillar <Ignacio.Aguilar.Sanchez at esa.int>; Bob Durst (durst at mitre.org) <durst at mitre.org>; EXTERNAL-Birrane, Edward J (US 9300-Affiliate) <Edward.Birrane at jhuapl.edu>; de Cola, Tomaso <Tomaso.deCola at dlr.de>; Gilles Moury (Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr) <Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr>
Cc: Wagner, Raymond S. (JSC-EV811) <raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov>; Kevin K Gifford <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>; Wilmot, Jonathan J. (GSFC-5820) (jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov) <jonathan.j.wilmot at nasa.gov>
Betreff: FW: [EXTERNAL] Good LIF talk!


I assume you are all aware of this, or if not, here is one more crunchy bit to chew upon.  Steve is a CSA guy who has been supporting Wagner & Gifford in their SOIS Wireless  3GPP efforts.  I hope we can keep him involved, and/or get him even more involved.


From: Stephen Braham <warp at polylab.sfu.ca<mailto:warp at polylab.sfu.ca>>
Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 4:34 PM
To: Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>>
Cc: Kevin K Gifford <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu<mailto:kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>>, Ray Wagner <raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov<mailto:raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov>>, Zemba, Michael J. (GRC-LCF0) <michael.j.zemba at nasa.gov<mailto:michael.j.zemba at nasa.gov>>, Lansdowne, Chatwin (JSC-EV611) <chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov>>, Ni, David (JSC-EV)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] <david.ni-1 at nasa.gov<mailto:david.ni-1 at nasa.gov>>, Brian (ASC/CSA) <brian.cascarano at asc-csa.gc.ca<mailto:brian.cascarano at asc-csa.gc.ca>>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Good LIF talk!
Hi Peter,
    Yup--hopefully we can find a path forward for resources to keep me involved, on the CSA side. Wireless and security go hand in hand, of course, especially as data rates start to cross into the 10's of Gbps and up, and thus a lot more chance of breaking keys (as more data transmitted = more data to examine for solving for keys, especially on quantum computers). Though I'd like to see how maybe CCSDS can evolve to handle some more of these common issues, via SEA-SA and SEA-SEC. I'm a little worried that SIS-VOICE seems quiescent right now, as tech like QUIC/WebTransport is now crucial to any streamed IP data flow, and voice hits a bunch of interesting issues (both QUIC and now L4S have roots in audio issues, especially for secure voice, and video). Especially now that we're going truly lunar, where surface-surface link infrastructure and architectures really need to be added to the architecture map, as they come with their own new issues. There are far more variables in RF propagation and data rates in a surface environment that add a load more protocol complexity, but solving that protocol complexity, in the commercial surface wireless regime most humans live in, has, indeed, driven all these new protocols such as QUIC/WebTransport and L4S, where you handle security and latency via one-way zero-RTT cryptographic methods and queuing architecture improvements. Hence the strong connection between wireless and security, not just as a user, but pusher for improvements.

    And you'd hope that all our member space agencies' national security agencies (including the ones in the space domain) would really like this done right! Which itself should generate resources for CCSDS activities.

                                                                    Best Wishes,
                                                                                Steve (off a TLS 1.3 WPA3-Enterprise 192-bit connection even at home ;))

On 2024-05-08 15:21, Shames, Peter M (US 312B) wrote:
Hi Steve,

Great to hear from you and so glad you like (and appreciated) that “pitch”.

Are you going to be continuing to support this joint NASA / CSA work?  You make a big contribution and I (and others, I am sure) really value your inputs.

Cheers, Peter

From: Stephen Braham <warp at polylab.sfu.ca><mailto:warp at polylab.sfu.ca>
Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 11:22 AM
To: Shames, Peter M (US 312B) <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov><mailto:peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: Kevin K Gifford <kevin.gifford at colorado.edu><mailto:kevin.gifford at colorado.edu>, Ray Wagner <raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov><mailto:raymond.s.wagner at nasa.gov>, Zemba, Michael J. (GRC-LCF0) <michael.j.zemba at nasa.gov><mailto:michael.j.zemba at nasa.gov>, Lansdowne, Chatwin (JSC-EV611) <chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov><mailto:chatwin.lansdowne-1 at nasa.gov>, Wesley P. (HQ-CG000)[JHU / APL] <wesley.p.millard at nasa.gov><mailto:wesley.p.millard at nasa.gov>, Ni, David (JSC-EV)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] <david.ni-1 at nasa.gov><mailto:david.ni-1 at nasa.gov>, Brian (ASC/CSA) <brian.cascarano at asc-csa.gc.ca><mailto:brian.cascarano at asc-csa.gc.ca>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Good LIF talk!
Hi Peter,

     Enjoyed your presentation! I agree with all of your points, as I
think you know. In the wireless domain, especially, transitions between
network services are in that millisecond range. As was mentioned in that
one question, and is discussed in the Synopsis doc you've seen, that's
why things like QUIC, WebRTC, WebTransport (which uses QUIC/HTTP/3) and
now L4S exists (which is being pushed to almost all Apple devices as we
speak, for instance). Because most users are on wireless these days, but
you need super-fast network transitions that maintain security. And, as
per the latest SOIR-WIR Blue Book that's hopefully out soon, the
Certificate Authority issues get important. And auth is really more
important that encrypt, because race conditions. Basically, the wireless
networks live on these problems on steroids, of course, because, as you
say, physics rules. And don't get me started on the quantum safe issues
(which I'm working on now, as we transition here to what we need to keep
our work secure at that level). So good to hear your points!

     Best Wishes,


Stephen P. Braham, BSc, PhD, ARCS       Director, PolyLAB
warp at polylab.sfu.ca<mailto:warp at polylab.sfu.ca>                     Simon Fraser University
(tel) 778 782-7981                      Harbour Centre Campus
(fax) 778 782-7980                      Vancouver, BC, Canada
Twitter: warp                           Facebook: sbraham
Callsign: VA7TMI

    PolyLAB: From the Classroom to Space, https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://polylab.sfu.ca/__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!IF4BhqsgX_CjC47g3CYVrb7SFN8pV2tI5uK1A4PtPjoY6WQRSQdGt0tJURpDQwDghGuqaEIY2MRAiAQUordfNsXQCIQ$<https://urldefense.us/v3/__http:/polylab.sfu.ca/__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!IF4BhqsgX_CjC47g3CYVrb7SFN8pV2tI5uK1A4PtPjoY6WQRSQdGt0tJURpDQwDghGuqaEIY2MRAiAQUordfNsXQCIQ$>

At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded
traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the
xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and
Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.


Stephen P. Braham, BSc, PhD, ARCS     Director, PolyLAB

warp at polylab.sfu.ca<mailto:warp at polylab.sfu.ca>                   Simon Fraser University

(tel) 778 782-7981                    Harbour Centre Campus

(fax) 778 782-7980                    Vancouver, BC, Canada


Twitter: warp                         Facebook: sbraham

Callsign: VA7TMI

   PolyLAB: From the Classroom to Space, http://polylab.sfu.ca/<https://urldefense.us/v3/__http:/polylab.sfu.ca/__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!LoambyfYMk_H_TZpkgcTdNJrRCNVQew1DuQoxXUxdgFyxvRW4C0A2DeTZJYus_sBLpJYh967ykj_dDHbwl-6Oulf-jI$>

At Simon Fraser University, we live and work on the unceded

traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples of the

xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and

Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.
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