[Sis-dtn] 28 March SIS-DTN telecon

Vint Cerf vint at google.com
Wed Mar 27 20:52:14 UTC 2024

+1 to Leigh's point about making clear that BPv6 and BPv7 are distinct
protocols to avoid maintenance and support confusion.


On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 2:54 PM Robert C Durst via SIS-DTN <
sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org> wrote:

> All,
> I have arranged for someone to open the telecon line tomorrow, but I won’t
> be able to attend due to a conflict.
> **If** it seems like there is a quorum:
>    1. Please consider the draft agenda send previously and send me email
>    if there are issues that need addressed.
>    1. Also, Leigh Torgerson sent the following comment on the BPv7 blue
>    book that I think merits some consideration.  We can discuss during the
>    BPv7 discussion at the CCSDS meeting, but I’d like folks to consider this
>    beforehand:
> *Subject: *CCSDS BP Specs - late agency review comment
> I wish to note that while BPv6 is, I assume, deprecated (where does it say
> that in any CCSDS docs, by the way?), we still have missions and users
> flying BPv6, and in the future *continued support for bpv6 is required.*
> If a user wishes to write a new application that is designed for BPv6, do
> we put in the contract to write something that is compatible with BP as
> specified by 734.2-B-1 (which does not indicate any particular version of
> BP in its title), and then on another project using BPv7 specify
> 734.2-P-1.1  (which has the same title as 734.2-B-1)?? Do you seriously
> think that won’t be confusing??
> If you are going to change a protocol in such a dramatic manner as to
> completely eliminate backward compatibility, from a System Engineering
> point of view, and as one who has to help both projects and the DSN do the
> formal documentation of what service agreements are with external
> customers, I believe CCSDS is making a bad mistake not giving the Bluebooks
> SEPARATE numbers and titles that indicate that the specification is for a
> particular protocol that is totally incompatible with another protocol with
> the same CCSDS book name.
> The recommendation is therefore to Change the title of the current BPv7
> draft specification to “CCSDS BUNDLE PROTOCOL v7 SPECIFICATION”, assign it
> a new and non-confusing CCSDS book number, and then to add to the title of
> the existing 2015 BPv6 734.2-B-1 the indication that it is for BPv6.
> This would be both sound System Engineering practice, as well as sound
> contractual practice in accordance with both FARs and UCC regulations.
> Resulting questions:
> 1)      Should we publish BPv7 as a separately numbered Blue Book rather
> than an update to the previous Blue Book?
> 2)      Should we revise the Blue Book to retain support for both
> versions? (I haven’t begun to consider what **that** does to naming and
> so forth.)
> 3)      Should BPv6 be reaffirmed or eventually be transitioned to Silver
> (historical) status?  If Silver, when?
> 4)      What is the IETF posture on BPv6 (RFC 5050)?  It is listed as an
> experimental protocol, while RFC9171 is  “standards track,” but not yet an
> internet standard.  There is no attempt in the IETF to maintain backward
> compatibility, because nothing in the IETF world is using BPv6
> operationally, unlike the CCSDS world.
> If there’s not a quorum, please ponder these and we’ll return to them
> later.
> Thank you!
> Bob
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Please send any postal/overnight deliveries to:
Vint Cerf
Google, LLC
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Reston, VA 20190
+1 (571) 213 1346

until further notice
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