[Sis-dtn] Notes from telecon 20240428

Keith Scott keithlscott at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 15:57:20 UTC 2024


[image: Attachment.png]


The 0900 & 1000 slots, what exactly are those?

Intenetworking services may be more Service Catalog 2?  If so there may be
an opportunity to recoup some of that time?

Josh not on, but should be able to handle multipoint delivery and BIBE

Scott, for islands of internet -- won’t be there Friday

Felix: could put HPRP  on Friday, switch w/ IP islands, even if IP islands
takes more than hour, OK

Jonathan and Simon have SOIS conflicts most of the week.

*Leigh’s late RID*

OK with Bob’s proposed solution

Definitely want something in the BPv7 book that says that it’s not
backward-compatible with BPv6; would really LIKE to have BPv7 in the title
of the new book and have the old book title change to include eBPv6 as it
gets silvered.

*Jonathan Jackson’s updated documents*

Green: done

Orangy: no changes made in the document

Yellow: PICS, do at the end

Red: discussion of service numbers

*Service numbers: We can’t reference 9.3 since it’s not an RFC.*

What if we say that CCSDS SHOULD (or SHALL?) use the private use spaces
(1..127 and/or 0x0100--0x7FFF) until such time as IANA spins up a registry
and then we’ll pink sheet the book.

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