[Sis-dtn] Telecon 20240606 Notes

Keith Scott keithlscott at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 15:50:16 UTC 2024

Second Agency Review for BPv7
We're going to go over the BPv7 RIDS spreadsheet next week.  Goal is to
determine whether or not we need a second agency review (do the RIDS
introduce significant technical changes to the document).
Relevant CCSDS Document: Organization and Processes for the Consultative
Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS A02.1-Y-4
<https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/A02x1y4c2.pdf> (and its associated
corrigenda, which I don't think impact this work)

In particular: Once review of a document has been authorized, that document may be
reviewed more than once without additional polling of the CMC:

a) if technical issues are identified in the course of a review, those
issues must be resolved and the review must be repeated before approval can
be sought for a change of document status;

b) increasing draft issue numbers shall be assigned to successive versions
of the draft document released in successive iterations of the review (see
annex E);

c) if substantive changes are made to a document that has completed review
without technical comment, the Secretariat shall conduct a final review in
which Agencies can approve or reject the document but may not suggest
additional changes;

d) the Secretariat shall follow the same procedures for posting review
materials and review announcement for each iteration of a review.

DTN Reference Scenarios for Earth Observation, Lunar and Mars
Looking to get _3_ scenarios (Earth-observing, Lunar, Mars).
3 scenarios (do NOT get down in the weeks arguing over exact data rates

See the recording / slides for proposed scenarios (topologies including
different agency ownership, connectivity, data rates)

Felix put the slides on the CCSDS site in this folder

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