[Sis-dtn] Today's meeting...

sburleig.sb at gmail.com sburleig.sb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 15:30:58 UTC 2024

Hi, Bob.  My scheduling preferences:

1.	½ hour earlier on Thursday would be okay.  An hour earlier would
not, unless my early Thursday morning meeting moves (which is possible).
2.	Either ½ hour or 1 hour later on Thursday would be fine; this is my
top favorite choice.
3.	Tuesday or Wednesday at the current time would be fine.
4.	Biweekly meetings at the current time would be fine.
5.	Nope, the only one that doesn’t work for me is an hour earlier.




From: SIS-DTN <sis-dtn-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Robert C
Durst via SIS-DTN
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 6:06 AM
To: sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org; Linda M Garzone <lgarzone at mitre.org>; Dr.
Tamer Refaei <mrefaei at mitre.org>
Subject: [Sis-dtn] Today's meeting...
Importance: High




Today, Jonathan and Simon will be discussing GSFC’s QoS Policy Parameters
document (attached) and Felix and Teresa will discuss the ESA work on QoS.
Unfortunately, I have a meeting that will force me to join the meeting late.


 <mailto:lgarzone at mitre.org> @Linda and/or  <mailto:mrefaei at mitre.org>
@Tamer – can you open the meeting?  I believe that it’s set to automatically
record, but if you could confirm that, I’d be most grateful.


Also, as I indicated last week, I now have conflict every other week that
directly overlaps with our call.  I’d like to get the sense of the group for
how best to deal with this issue:

1.	Shift ½ hour or 1 hour earlier on the same day (and which option).
2.	Shift ½ hour or 1 hour later on the same day (and which).
3.	Find a different day – Fridays were ruled out last week because a
meeting on late Friday afternoon for the Europeans is pretty unpopular.  I
suspect that Monday is ruled out for a similar reason for the JPL crew
(early Monday?  Ugh.).  So, are Tuesday or Wednesday better (at the current
11am US Eastern Time)?  
4.	Switch to every-other-week meetings at the current time. 
(Beginning next week, which I’ll miss anyway because I’ll be on travel, darn
it, but subsequently 2/1, 2/15, 2/29(!), 3/14, etc.)
5.	None of the above work.


If I knew how to do basic Outlook things, I’d use that “New Scheduling Poll”
button at the top of this menu.  But I don’t, so please respond with your
choice of 1-5, above, plus qualifiers as needed.


Apologies for the scheduling hassle.



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