[Sis-dtn] WG LAST CALL on LTP Corrigendum and status of BPv7 RID Review

Sanchez Net, Marc (US 332H) marc.sanchez.net at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jul 14 22:42:11 UTC 2023


A couple of editorial comments, and a potential mistake in one of the sentences in Section 3.10.5. I tried to use Word Online but failed, so see attached.

Marc Sanchez Net (332H)
Telecommunications Engineer
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Cell: (617) 953-7977<mailto:(617)%20953-7977> | Email: marc.sanchez.net at jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:marc.sanchez.net at jpl.nasa.gov>

From: SIS-DTN <sis-dtn-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Robert C Durst via SIS-DTN
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 10:12 AM
To: sis-dtn at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Sis-dtn] WG LAST CALL on LTP Corrigendum and status of BPv7 RID Review
Importance: High


Thanks to all who were able to dial in to today's SIS-DTN meeting.  We got a lot done.  There are two topics I need to address in this email:

  1.  LTP Corrigendum finalization and submission
  2.  BPv7 RID Resolution

LTP Corrigendum

The group on today's call feels that the draft LTP Corrigendum is ready to submit as the response to the LTP 5-year renewal.  To that end, this email serves as the DTN Working Group LAST CALL for comments on the LTP Corrigendum.  Please look at the current draft document via the link below (NOTE:  it is MUCH easier to download the document to your computer and open it locally in Word than to attempt to view it in a browser).  If you have any comments, please submit them via email to this list no later than 11am EDT next Thursday, 7/20/2023.

The draft corrigendum is here:  https://cwe.ccsds.org/sis/docs/SIS-DTN/Draft%20Documents/LTP%20Update%202021/734x1b1_final_w_draft_corrigendum_kls.docx?d=w81a548c08f3e47198a8e3545c49a9547

BPv7 RID Resolution

The group on today's call reviewed and dispositioned RIDs on rows 2-22 of the spreadsheet below.  The draft revisions to the document are in column K ("Discussion").  There are 102 total RIDs; we have discussed 56 of them so far.  We hope to complete discussion of the final 46 next week, but 21 RIDs took a bit over an hour this week, so that may be ambitious.  Still, ideally we would complete reviewing these next week, because we still need to incorporate the decisions into the document and get it to Tomaso.  If you can spare time to review the remaining RIDs in advance of our telecon it will make the discussion proceed more quickly.

RID spreadsheet is here:
Draft document is here:

Many thanks,
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