[Sis-csi] Communications Endpoints

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Mar 11 10:49:04 EST 2005

At 06:49 AM 03/11/05, Lloyd Wood wrote:
>I believe that afterwards some operators returned to bed.

Which raises the (quite real, I think) operational question. Why would any 
user - other than a protocol geek or an operations center controller 
-  *want* to be shackled to the spacecraft 24/7, in real time? Don't most 
people want to amble in about 9AM, pull down yesterday's data set, munch on 
it for a bit, formulate a few parameter tweaks and pop them off as command 
requests to the control center to send up when they have time, and then 
retire to the pub for lunch?

Isn't a discussion of endpoints useful only in the context of a realistic 
human operations scenario? Who's using the spacecraft, from where, and 
when, and for what, and under who's adult supervision?

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