[Sis-ams] scope of interoperability testing

Ray, Timothy J. (GSFC-583.0) timothy.j.ray at nasa.gov
Fri May 9 10:53:35 EDT 2008

Hello all,


Assuming that the scope of our interoperability testing is still an open
topic, may I present a possible approach that is similar to what was
used for CFDP?   (By the way, do we plan to test the Remote AMS


Test series A1:  

*	Basic message exchange (SEND, QUERY, REPLY, and RECEIVE).
*	Each implementer provides a single AMS node.
*	Static MIB contents (IP-address and UDP port number for each
*	Each implemention initiates a few SENDs and QUERYs with each of
the other implementations.


Test series A2:

*	Adds the Meta-AMS protocol to series A1.
*	(Details TBD)


Test series A3:

*	Adds multi-point message distribution (PUBLISH and ANNOUNCE) to
series A2.
*	(Details TBD)


Test series A4:   (if needed)

*	Tests the Remote AMS protocol.
*	(Details TBD)



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