[Sis-ams] revised AMS concept paper

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 14 12:47:37 EDT 2005

At 09:41 AM 6/14/2005, Scott Burleigh wrote:
>Strictly speaking, we're not supposed to be working on document 
>development within a BOF.  I would be glad to hear comments all the same, 
>and meanwhile we need more specifically to be pressing ahead with the 
>proposal to form an AMS Working Group where this sort of discussion really 
>should be taking place.

Scott: you are absolutely correct. If the BOF is converging on a consensus 
that an AMS protocol development is both needed and technically possible, 
then please create a draft Working Group charter as soon as possible and 
present it to the Area Director. We are just about to go into a resource 
allocation process with the CMC and if you want to start a new group, now 
is the time to get a WG chartered.


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