[Sis-ams] revised AMS concept paper

Scott Burleigh Scott.Burleigh at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 14 12:41:57 EDT 2005

Hi, AMS enthusiasts.  As you may recall, at the April CCSDS meetings in 
Athens it was resolved that representatives from the SOIS TCOAS working 
group, the MOIMS SMC working group, and the SIS AMS BOF should explore 
the possibilities for aligning the work on message exchange that was 
being done for SMCP, MTS, and AMS.  The final report of that study, a 
CCSDS concept paper, has been submitted to CESG, and this morning I also 
posted it to the AMS CWE on the CCSDS web site 
(http://public.ccsds.org/sites/cwe/sis-ams).  I have also revised the 
strawman AMS specification (which I've been calling a concept paper even 
though, technically, I expect it's not in the right format) in accord 
with the recommendations in that study, and this revised spec is also 
now posted to the AMS CWE.

Strictly speaking, we're not supposed to be working on document 
development within a BOF.  I would be glad to hear comments all the 
same, and meanwhile we need more specifically to be pressing ahead with 
the proposal to form an AMS Working Group where this sort of discussion 
really should be taking place.  In aid of the latter, does anyone have 
any thoughts on the Requirements document and the proposed Charter and 
Plan that I posted to the CWE shortly before the April meetings?


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