[MOIMS] Re: [Cesg-all] Plenary on SM&C at next CCSDS WS

Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
Wed Nov 15 18:08:27 UTC 2006


I know that MOIMS have booked most of their WGs to meet over the whole week,
incl. Saturday. I can imagine that in these conditions MOIMS WGs can afford
an extended Plenary on Tuesday morning. It is not the case of SLS; we operate
without margin and rely on starting at 9:00 sharp the SLS Area work on the
Tuesday morning, as in the current planning.

In case MOIMS insist on having this SM&C WG presentation at the Plenary, I
would then propose that all CCSDS Plenary topics be addressed from 8:00 to
9:00 and the SM&C WG presentation is held after that, but note that SLS
members will not attend. We should coordinate the SM&C prototype demo during
the week at such a time that those who are interested but missed the SM&C
presentation after Plenary at least have the chance to attend the demo.

Hope this is an acceptable compromise.

Jean-Luc Gerner
Tel: +31 71 565 4473

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                                        [Cesg-all] Plenary on SM&C at next   
                                        CCSDS WS                             



As MOIMS AD I would like te request you, after considering an SM&C proposal,
to include the following during our next CCSDS International Workshop (16th
Jan - 20th Jan 2007 at Colorado Springs)

   An SM&C WG presentation at the Plenary (1 hr ) (i.e Tuesday morning after
   the general introduction).
   Prototype demo + discussion during the week (2 hrs)

I believe that this is essential because no other CCSDS WG has so a big
audience and provokes so many discussions at technical and management level.

Every Agency has the same goals, including short-, medium- and long-term
interoperability, but  which protocols and messages have to be standardised
are always under assessment by everybody.

I think that this presentation will be at the right time (after 2 months of
NASA internal discussions and before the CMC), because a decision of the way
to go (or not to go) needs to be taken during the next CMC.

Please let me know your views at your earliest covenience.


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