[MOIMS] [CESG] [CESG POLL: RESPONSE REQUIRED] Identification ofLiaisons

Donald M. Sawyer donald.m.sawyer at nasa.gov
Wed Jun 23 22:56:24 UTC 2004


The DAI has the following liaisons based on participants being
on the DAI distribution list:

NARA - National Archive and Records Administration
RLG - Research Libraries Group
Library of Congress
OCLC - Online Computer Library Center
Leeds University, UK
Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology)

The DAI also has relationships, due usually to joint participation
in other efforts, with:

CODATA: Committee on Data for Science and Technology
ERPANET: Electronic Research Preservation and Access Network
INCITS-L : ANSI standards committee on Metadata
JISC: The Joint Information Systems Committee, UK
CENDI:  US Interagency Working Group of senior Scientific and Technical
        Information Managers
CEOS: Committee on Earth Observation Satellites

For the IPR, there is the following liaison based on the distribution

Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology)


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