[MOIMS] Re: [CESG] "Draft2" update to the CCSDS Strategic Plan

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Mon Apr 19 13:44:20 UTC 2004


a) Ratify the Objective of your Area.
MOIMS objective ratified

b) Supply me with a small, crisp set of measurable strategic goals for your Area
in "a,b,c" format as shown.

MOIMS strategic goals:
   By 2006, develop and deploy the standards that specify an extensible
   framework for packaging data and metadata.
   By 2008, develop and deploy the standards for the submission and ingest of
   digital data sources and digital metadata to the Archive, for the
   identification of digital data within the Archive and for the search and
   retrieval of digital data and metadata.
   By 2008, develop and deploy the standards for the exchange of Navigation
   information (e.g. position, velocity and attitude) by establishing content
   and format for tracking, attitude, trajectory and ancillary data (e.g.
   gravity models, spacecraft orientation)
   By 2008, deploy and develop a suite of standard
     M&C services that are exposed for cross support
     interfaces between M&C and other mission components

Note: These goals are only achievable if the required resources are made


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