[Moims-dai] DRAFT report to e-ARK on IP design

D or C Sawyer Sawyer at acm.org
Sun Feb 14 20:38:44 UTC 2016

Hi David,

Since they want this ‘Common Specification’ to be applicable to SIPs, AIPs, and DIPs, and since they appear to be identifying what the AIP says is a Content Type, I agree they should be discussing all the elements of an AIP and how they related to their ‘Common Specification’.  They should also relate it to the PAIS specification of a SIP.  Otherwise I like your response.

(ps I don’t know that the moims lists are working for my mailing, although I seem to be getting other’s mailings)

On Feb 8, 2016, at 10:26 AM, David Giaretta <david at giaretta.org> wrote:

> Dear all
> I drafted the following comment on the e-Ark draft common package specification http://www.eark-project.com/news/46-commonspecreleased
> What do you think?
> …David
> Dear e-ARK
> I read your deliverable “Introduction to the Common Specification for Information Packages in the E-ARK project” version 0.13 (http://www.eark-project.com/resources/specificationdocs/50-draftcommonspec-1/file )with interest. However, I found a few points which I felt I should comment on.
> You describe, in section 1.1 “Common Specification and OAIS Information Packages” the 3 types of Information Packages which OAIS describes. However, you fail to describe the basic (general) definition of an Information Package, which is shown as:
> <image003.png>
> The Content Information has both the Data Object and the associated Representation Information. Preservation Description Information as Reference Information, Provenance Information, Context Information, Access Rights Information and Fixity Information. As indicated in the diagram the only required element is Packaging Information – because that allows one to “open” the package. The AIP is specified much more definitively since all the elements must be present.
> Representation Information is further illustrated in OAIS as follows
> <image005.png>
> I was surprised to note that there is no reference to Representation Information, and little reference to Semantic (Representation) Information and no mention of things related to “Other (Representation) Information” such as software. There is mention of “software which has been used to create the package” and “metadata syntax and semantics” and it seems clear these do not refer to the Representation Information of the object of concern.
> In order to maintain the association with OAIS I would expect that the relationship to OAIS should be made clearer, in particular showing where the various elements of Representation Information may be found in your proposed structure.
> In a similar way I was surprised that there was no reference to all the elements of PDI, such as Provenance Information.
> Of course the SIP and DIP need only Packaging Information but the general definition of the package must allow all of the elements, which of course AIPs will definitely need to contain.
> I look forward to your response.
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