[Moims-dai] Minutes of today PAIS telecon (25th September)

Boucon Daniele Daniele.Boucon at cnes.fr
Fri Sep 25 15:34:07 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Please find below the minutes of today PAIS telecon. Feel free to correct or comment.

Next telecons:

1. 9-12 November: CCSDS meeting (agenda will come later)

 2. Thursday 15rd October  (15h EU time, 9h US time-Washington): dedicated to ILF

If available, proposal to use Dave's number for the sound:
Dave Williams
Telecon information
+1-844-467-6272      USA Toll Free
+1-720-259-6462      Others
Passcode:    841727

Best regards,

25th September meeting minutes

DB: Daniele Boucon
DG: David Giaretta
DS: Don Sawyer
EC: Esther Conway
JG: John Garrett
MA : Mirko Albani
MM: Mike Martin
RD: Robert Downs
SH : Steve Hughes
SM: Stephane Mbaye
SR: Stephane Reecht
BC: Bertrand Caron
PT: Jean-Philippe Tramoni
WG: all

D=Decision, A=action (other = discussion)

Participants: DB, DS, JG

2.      DEDSL
WG: ok to change "blue book" to "orange book"..

=>A(DB): update the CWE framework (DEDSL blue->orange)

3.      Core PAIS GB

All comments received analyzed and validated during the telecon.

=>A(DB): make the CNES proto available through the CNES server of public software: sources and executable. -> procedure on the way

=>A(DB): include the the SIP Builder configuration files in annexes.

*Message management: -> note added end of section 3.3.

*Change management in the MOT: a paragraph could be included in section 3.3
 =>A(DS): write a paragraph on change management in MOT (in section 3.3)

*implementation of SIP model elements in XFDU schema: examples of implementations in test cases appear as sufficient -> nothing will be done.

Complete document

=>A(DB)=> complete existing action, send the complete document to the group for a final look.

*All file names associated with figures have to be checked and renames when needed.
*Include SIP Builder Conf files in the document.
*treat last comments included in the document.


Document considered as ended.
Procedure by now:
*Send a document for a final look (DB).
*Send the document to Mario Merri for review by CESG (DB).
*Plan a slot in the Darmstadt meeting dedicated to PAIS GB.

25th September meeting minutes

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