[Css-csts] Update of the SLE API Books - URGENT QUERY

John Pietras john.pietras at gst.com
Tue Jul 3 10:40:30 EDT 2012


Just to be clear, when you say that that the current books "support version 1 and version 2", I believe that means that they support Issue-1 RCF, ROCF, and FSP and Issue-2 F-CLTU and RAF. "Version 4" as used below refers to the version numbers that appear in the ASN.1 modules, replacing the mix of "version-one" and "version-two" module version numbers. "version 4" modules appear in the current issues of the SLE suite - Issue 3 F-CLTU and RAF, and Issue 2 RCF, ROCF, and FSP.


Theoretically, one would need only to support "version 4" in the new issue of the API books because the Historical (Sliver) versions of the first issues) would logically apply to their associated Blue Books. However, that only works if the previous Magenta books do indeed accurately reflect their respective Blue Books.  Unfortunately, there is at least one instance where this is not the case -FCLTU B-2 allows earliest radiation time to equal latest radiation, but the Checking of Invocation Parameters table in section A3.2 of 916.1-M-1 implies that ERT may not be equal to LRT (we have discussed this in emails over the past few years). The decision has been made clear - the Blue Book is correct (they can be equal). However, this decision has not made its way into the erred table of the API book.


It is my understanding that there will still be some new implementations of Issue-2 F-CLTU, and if those implementations use the API then the relevant  API specifications should be correct. At the very least, there should be some official correction, even if it does not involve a re-issue of the book itself.


It would be a shame to have to cover the previous versions in the new API books if the only reason for doing so is to correct one or two errors. Would it make sense to issue a technical corrigendum against the current version and then essentially immediately transition it and the current API books to Silver status so that the correction is documented without having to correct it in the new API Magenta Book issues? I'm copying Tom Gannett on this message to ask if he has any recommendations for handling this problem with minimum effort.


In the meantime, I'm going to try to see if the potential NASA implementer of Issue-2 F-CLTU still plans to do so, and if they are still planning to use the API.


Best regards,



From: css-csts-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:css-csts-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] On Behalf Of Martin Götzelmann
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 5:36 AM
To: css-csts at mailman.ccsds.org
Subject: [Css-csts] Update of the SLE API Books - URGENT QUERY


Members of the CSTS Group,


I have finally started with the update of the SLE API Books and of course immediately come across an issue that I cannot decide on my own. The current books support version 1 and Version 2  of the RAF, RCF, and CLTU specifications.  The purpose was to allow implementations that support old versions as well.


Shall this approach be maintained and simply support for Version 4 (this is really the current version - version 3 has been skipped for a number of reasons) added or shall support for old versions be removed? 


Thanks for a quick response,




Martin Götzelmann

Principal Consultant Technology


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