[Css-csts] DLR list of CSTS Monitored Data Events

Sylvain Gully Sylvain.Gully at dlr.de
Fri Oct 21 03:41:07 EDT 2011

hi Wolfgang,

I have made a list of Events about a satellite pass, that would be 
interesting to get from cross support ground stations. These Events 
correspond to the Events we use in our daily business between our 
control centre and the ground stations. At this time most of these 
Events are propagated per voice for external stations, but it could be 
interesting to get the Events per CSTS Monitored Data to allow more 
automation between the agencies.

I have written the description of the Event like defined in our system, 
and then a more general definition how it could be related to CSTS / 
CSTS Monitored Data. You can have a look at it and I can answer your 
questions in Boulder.

See you soon,

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
Raumflugbetrieb und Astronautentraining
Kommunikation und Bodenstationen
82234 Weßling

Tel.    +49 (8153) 28-2142
Fax     +49 (8153) 28-1456
e-mail  Sylvain.Gully at dlr.de

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