[Css-csts] Inheritance Structures for RUFT and RAD

Martin Götzelmann martin.goetzelmann at vega.de
Fri Feb 26 05:58:29 EST 2010

Members of the CSTS WG,

In response to action A#04-1009F of the Noordwijk meeting I have put together a note with some considerations concerning inheritance structures for a RUFT service or a RAD service. I have uploaded the paper to the CWE at 

CCS-CSTS > CWE Private > Working Materials > RADandRUFTinheritance

I am afraid that the note is not yet fully conclusive but I hope it provides enough material to start the discussion within the WG.

Kind Regards,

Martin Götzelmann 

VEGA Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG 
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