[CMC Alert] Review of Org&Procs Yellow Book Update

Soula Jean-Marc Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr
Fri Dec 6 11:43:36 EST 2013

Bonjour Tom,

here below are CNES comments on the submitted draft of CCSDS A02.1-Y-3.


p iii)	Foreword : To add Space Office of Switzerland as a CCSDS Observer Agency.

p 2.4 : Delete "These members may select the CMC chairman as needed. In practical terms, the Chairman should come from" and replace with "A chairman is appointed by" ... as there is no process for electing the CMC Chair.
		In same section add one of the following texts (to be agreed by CMC):
		"To avoid conflicts of interest and favor dedication to a single task, the chair should not be an Agency Delegate. He has no voting rights."
		"The chair is an Agency Delegate with only one voice in CMC voting processes."

p2.7 : Delete "The CMC approves the organization that will act as the CCSDS secretariat" ... as this never happened.

p 2.9 : Delete last sentence "The chair and deputy chair also may be ADs" and replace with "To avoid conflicts of interest and favor dedication to a single task, the chair and deputy chair should not be ADs".

p 2.9 : At the end of the first paragraph on consensus, add "The principle of consensus also applies to the decisions made at the CMC level". 

		Add a definition for: " Deputy area directors: The DADs are substitutes from the AD in their areas in the various instances where the AD cannot attend ; however, they do not vote for the AD when he is not present. The AD and DAD of an area may agree to cover the whole domain of their area or to share between them the coordination with the various WGs."

p 2.11 : in item i) either delete the text "and that the customer requirements are being satisfied in a timely maneer" as the customer requirements, except those of IOAG (thru ICPA) are not formulated and this objective cannot be met... or make an explicit reference to the ICPA. : in item n) add the text "as well as BOF and SIG chairs" : replace the first paragraph " Nominations for CESG positions are made by the principal delegates from each of the agencies. Appointees may come from any organization (including industry) and do not have to be employees of space agencies. All CESG appointees must have a sponsor who will commit to support their salary and travel to CESG and Area coordination meetings." 	
				by the new text  " Nominations for CESG positions are made by the principal delegates from each of the agencies. Appointees as Chair / Deputy or AD / DAD must be from fifferent (sponsorng) agency. Appointees may come from any organization (including industry) and do not have to be employees of space agencies ; however, at least one of Chair / Deputy in CESG or AD / DAD in the same area must be an agency employee. All CESG appointees must have a sponsor who will commit to support their salary and travel to CESG and Area coordination meetings."

p 2.18	2.3.4 : at the end of the first section on BOFs add the following text: "If after 18 months (i.e. 3 meetings), the BOF has not reached consensus on the proposed objectives and charter of a WG to be created, the BOF must be disbanded."

		2.3.5 : at the end of the section on SIGs add the following text: "If after 24 months (i.e. 4 meetings), the SIG has not reached consensus on the proposed objectives and guidance to the WGs, the SIG must be disbanded."

p 3.2		3.3.2 : in SEA replace the text " The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area contains at any point in time." 	with the text	" The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area contains at any point in time, in agreement with the CCSDS Strategic Plan and its related Tactical Plan."

p 3.3		3.4.2 : in MOIMS replace the text " The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain." 	with the text	" The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain, in agreement with the CCSDS Strategic Plan and its related Tactical Plan."

p 3.3		3.4.3 : in CSS replace the text " The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain." 	with the text	" The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain, in agreement with the CCSDS Strategic Plan and its related Tactical Plan."

p 3.3		3.5.2 : in SOIS replace the text " The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain." 	with the text	" The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain, in agreement with the CCSDS Strategic Plan and its related Tactical Plan."

p 3.3		3.5.3 : in SLS replace the text " The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain." 	with the text	" The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain, in agreement with the CCSDS Strategic Plan and its related Tactical Plan."

p 3.4 	3.5.4 : in SIS replace the text " The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain." 	with the text	" The AD has the prerogative to define the precise set of work units that this Area will contain, in agreement with the CCSDS Strategic Plan and its related Tactical Plan."

p 4.2		4.1.5 : concerning associates replace the text " CCSDS Associates are those industrial or academic organizations which indicate a desire to monitor closely CCSDS activities."	with the text 	"CCSDS Associates are those industrial or academic organizations which indicate a willingness to contribute closely CCSDS activities." ... as they are actually invited to contribute and it is too much effort for the secretariat to keep them in loops (info, reviews, RIDs, etc...) in which they will not be active.

			last sentence in same paragraph: change "the sponsoring" to "a sponsoring".

p 5.1 : change the sentence "The Secretariat shall provide a Web site for official CCSDS business."	to 	"The Secretariat shall provide a Web site for official CCSDS business, except for the SANA activities."

p 5.6 : Add the sentence "The secretariat will establish and maintain a document with recommendations and instructions to the hosts of CCSDS meetings, to be handed over to the organizer of the next event."

p 5.12 On online polls, add the sentence : "In the process of making decisions, meeting polls will follow the same process as online polls.

p 5.13 Add the following sentences at the end of the paragraph, "If no remedy can be found and no new epoll can be issued, the failure of the epoll will be put on the agenda of the next meeting of the forum that has faced the problem. If no consensus can be found at this level, the issue will be put on the agenda of the next meeting of the higher authority forum (e.g.: CMC if failure of the poll was at CESG level). Delete this section as CCSDS cannot operate at same time based on consensus and based on quorum.

p 5.14 Delete this section as CCSDS cannot operate at same time based on consensus and based on quorum.


Looking forward to meeting with you next week.

Best regards

Jean-Marc Soula 
Advisor, GN Operations 
18 Avenue Edouard Belin 
31401 Toulouse Cedex 9 - France 
Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 2 74647 
Fax.: +33 (0)5 61 2 73135 
Email: Jean-Marc.Soula at cnes.fr 

-----Message d'origine-----
De : cmc-exec-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org [mailto:cmc-exec-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org] De la part de Thomas Gannett
Envoyé : lundi 18 novembre 2013 21:01
À : CMC-exec at mailman.ccsds.org
Objet : [CMC Alert] Review of Org&Procs Yellow Book Update

Dear CMC Members,

Attached is the current draft update to CCSDS A02.1-Y-3, Organization and Processes for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (Yellow Book, Issue 3, July 2011), along with a new draft Yellow Book, which provides guidance to working groups in the development of ICS proformas and which replaces annex F in the 2011 issue of CCSDS A02.1-Y-3. Also attached is a Word-file comparison of the current published issue of CCSDS A02.1-Y-3 with the draft update.

Also, I have been reminded that some comments submitted as part of the last review of this document did not receive dispositions, predominantly because they did not propose specific changes. For convenience, a list of those comments has been attached in the hope that they may now be settled through the suggestion of specific changes. Some of those comments may not be applicable to the current version, however.

Please review the attached documents and return any comments on the drafts to me, with CC to CMC-exec at mailman.ccsds.org, no later that December 6, 2013.

Best regards,
Tom Gannett

Thomas Gannett
+1 443 472 0805

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