[CMC] RE: IOP-2 Agenda - SFCG, CCSDS, SIAG Presentations

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Nov 6 10:59:33 EST 2008

At 03:39 AM 11/6/2008, Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int wrote:
>I understand that IOP wishes that an IOAG member being also CMC 
>member presents the CCSDS work / liaison from an IOAG viewpoint.

Narita-san and Jean-Francois: are we clear about the subject of this 
presentation? Is it a CCSDS view of future interoperability, or is it 
a review of CCSDS from an IOAG viewpoint?

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