[CMC] CCSDS 2006 Fall CMC Meeting

Neil Dissinger neild at aiaa.org
Tue Aug 1 11:41:35 EDT 2006

Dear CCSDS Principal Delegates, Observers, and Liaisons,

The 2006 Fall CCSDS Management Council meeting is 
scheduled for 26-28 September at Moscow, Russian 
Federation.  Attached are the meeting announcement. 
agenda, and action item status.

Best Regards,

Neil Dissinger
CCSDS Secretariat Support Staff
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Name: 2006 Fall CMC Draft Agenda.pdf
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Url : http://mailman.ccsds.org/pipermail/cmc/attachments/20060801/071526e1/2006FallCMCDraftAgenda-0001.pdf
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Name: 2005 Fall CMC Action Items status.pdf
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