[CMC] RE : [CESG] Re: Proposed new development time limits

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Aug 1 09:24:00 EDT 2006

At 02:44 AM 8/1/2006, Lapaian Gerard wrote:
>The perimeter of our action must be adapted to our real capacity.
>I have always said that the number of WG,BOF was not enough controlled 
>most of them must be killed in the egg

Gerard: I think that the proposed new time limits will achieve that. 
Basically, if a WG cannot credibly demonstrate that it can deliver a final 
product on a strict schedule, it should never be approved. Similarly, if we 
have well-defined "trigger points" that automatically generate warnings 
about schedule slips, the CMC can decide whether or not to terminate a WG 
that is not delivering as promised.

The main point here is that every approved WG must have a clear and 
reasonably short schedule defined, and the CMC should manage to that schedule.


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