[CESG] CESG-R-2020-03-01: Request that the CMC approve the CESG request to approve a CCSDS - ISO TC20/SC13 to ISO TC20/SC14 liaison

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Mar 12 21:28:54 UTC 2020

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

Secretariat:  Please submit this CESG resolution to the CMC.

Summary of resolution:

Resolution 1:  Request that the CMC approve the CESG request for a CCSDS - ISO TC20/SC13 to ISO TC20/SC14 liaison

Thanks, Peter


CESG-R-2020-03-01: Request that the CMC approve the CESG request to approve a CCSDS - ISO TC20/SC13 to ISO TC20/SC14 liaison

The System Engineering Area,


The CCSDS – ISOTC20/SC13 and the ISO TC20/SC14 have define the terms under which they agree to carry out certain joint efforts, and that
The CESG has reviewed this and approved this work going forward under Systems Engineering Area (SEA) responsibility, and that
The CESG has already concurred in the original SEA CESG-P-2017-10-001, and that
The CMC poll CMC-P-2018-05-006 was approved with conditions, and that
The materials in this new CMC poll specifically address those conditions, and that
The CESG, during it's 10 Mar 2020 telecon agreed that Peter Shames was the obvious CCSDS Liaison point of contact.


The CCSDS Organization and Processes (A02.1-Y-4 cor 2) Sec Conditional Approval

a) the party responsible for the subject of the poll, e.g., a WG chair or someone delegated by the WG chair (e.g., a technical editor), shall act as rapporteur to address the conditions;

b) within 60 days of poll closure, the rapporteur shall report dispositions of all approval conditions to the Secretariat and, in the case of a document approval poll, deliver an updated version of the document reflecting disposition of the approval conditions;

c) upon receipt of the rapporteur’s report, the Secretariat shall communicate the disposition of the approval conditions to the voting body;

and that even though we are beyond the 60 day window, we believe that this is an acceptable request to reach closure on this poll.
and that,

The CESG wishes to ask that the CMC approve the adoption of this CCSDS – ISO TC20/SC13 and ISO TC20/SC14 liaison agreement (specifically pg 6 in the attached file), and that
The CESG wishes to ask the CMC to approve Peter Shames as the CCSDS – ISO TC20/SC13 and the ISO TC20/SC14 liaison point of contact for this work.

RESOLVES to request:

That the Secretariat initiate a poll requesting the CMC to approve this request.

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