[CESG] [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS synergies
Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int
Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int
Thu Sep 19 15:43:26 UTC 2019
Dear Brian and All,
I would like to clarify with Andrew Herd the exact scope of his
interaction with CCSDS.
If it is about discussion on glossaries then he may join one session of
the SEA SAWG , as pert Peter's e-mail.
If instead he wants to present "new ways of writing standards" and the
like, we may allocate some 20 (15+5) minutes to him sometimes, e.g at the
end of the technical meetings on Thursday afternoon (to be decided).
Given that Andrew is an ESA person, let me first get in contact with him,
I will get back to CESG shortly.
Kind regards,
Margherita di Giulio
Ground Station Systems Division
Backend Software Section (OPS-GSB)
European Space Agency ESA/ESOC
Robert-Bosch-Str. 5
D-64293 Darmstadt - Germany
Tel: +49-6151-902779
e-mail: Margherita.di.Giulio at esa.int
From: "Barkley, Erik J\(US 3970\) via CESG" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
To: "Oliver Brian (BTAS)" <brian.oliver at btas.com>, "Barkley, Erik J
(US 3970) via CESG" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date: 19/09/2019 17:06
Subject: Re: [CESG] [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible
CCSDS synergies
Sent by: "CESG" <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>
I believe Peter is out of the office currently, returning on Monday. I
think he is really the best person to respond to this.
From: CESG <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org> On Behalf Of Oliver Brian
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2019 07:33
To: Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) via CESG <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: [CESG] Fwd: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS
Forwarding this on from Andrew Herd from ESA.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Andrew.Herd at esa.int
Subject: Fw: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS synergies
Date: September 19, 2019 at 9:01:41 AM EDT
To: "CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec" <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org
Can someone from the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group advise me on how
best to proceed?
Many thanks,
ESA - European Space Agency
Andrew Herd
TEC Knowledge Management Point of Contact
and Senior Standardization Engineer
Standardization and Engineering Knowledge Management (TEC-QR)
Product Assurance and Safety Department
Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2201 AZ, The Netherlands
andrew.herd at esa.int | www.esa.int
T +31 71 5656745
----- Forwarded by Andrew Herd/estec/ESA on 19/09/2019 15:00 -----
From: Andrew Herd/estec/ESA
To: "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <
cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>, "Laurent.Marchand at esa.int" <
Laurent.Marchand at esa.int>, "Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int" <
Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int>, CCSDS Secretariat <
secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>, Mikko Nikulainen/estec/ESA at ESA
Date: 05/09/2019 09:23
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS
Dear Peter,
I have received an invite to register and I am assuming that the following
part of the proceedings relates to your proposed fora and timing for the
ECSS e-Glossary presentation and demonstration.
For ISO we provided a high level presentation at the plenary, and then
more detailed discussion held within the WG - maybe it would also be
appropriate to follow this type of approach?
Please then let me know how you would like to proceed.
Many thanks,
ESA - European Space Agency
Andrew Herd
TEC Knowledge Management Point of Contact
and Senior Standardization Engineer
Standardization and Engineering Knowledge Management (TEC-QR)
Product Assurance and Safety Department
Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2201 AZ, The Netherlands
andrew.herd at esa.int | www.esa.int
T +31 71 5656745
From: "Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
To: "Andrew.Herd at esa.int" <Andrew.Herd at esa.int>
Cc: "Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int" <Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int>, "
Roger.Jegou at esa.int" <Roger.Jegou at esa.int>, "Laurent.Marchand at esa.int" <
Laurent.Marchand at esa.int>, CCSDS Secretariat <
secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org>, CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG
Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Date: 22/06/2019 19:08
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS
Hi Andrew,
I understood that what you were asking about was an ESA /ECSS workshop on
Glossaries. I thought you meant to address this not in the context of
CCSDS, but in some ESA workshop.
>From this email, however, it appears that you are not only wishing to
address the topic of glossaries, but you (ECSS) propose to come and tell
CCSDS how to create, write, produce, and review standards. This is not a
topic that is suitable for the SEA Systems Engineering WG. If you wish to
address that subject I suggest that you ask to bring it to the CCSDS
Engineering Steering Group as a whole.
Please keep in mind that CCSDS has a nearly 40 year history of producing
international and widely accepted standards for space communications,
cross support, and interoperability. We also have a well documented
process for doing this which works well. Of course it could be improved,
and we have made incremental changes in it over the 20 years I have been
involved in the organization.
I have copied the CCSDS Secretariat, who operate the CCSDS document
processes, and the CCSDS Engineering Steering Group (CESG), so that they
are aware of this request.
I will entertain a discussion just on the subject of glossaries in the
context of the SEA SAWG meeting. I may also see if I can get some of the
TC20/SC14 people who are also interested in this topic to participate at
that time, during the CCSDS working meetings.
Best regards, Peter
From: "Andrew.Herd at esa.int" <Andrew.Herd at esa.int>
Date: Friday, June 21, 2019 at 11:12 AM
To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: "Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int" <Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int>, "
Roger.Jegou at esa.int" <Roger.Jegou at esa.int>, "Laurent.Marchand at esa.int" <
Laurent.Marchand at esa.int>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS synergies
Dear Peter,
Great response ... you cover all the central issues associated with
However to confirm, we are currently only proposing a ECSS / CCSDS
glossaries focussed bilateral during the CCSDS fall meeting in Germany.
This could be a dedicated meeting, or simply a 30 minute presentation
during your WG activities.
At this we will present (relative to glossary)
A cleaner improved set of drafting rules
A new way of writing standards
A new process of reviewing standards
An improved way of searching ECSS
A more user friendly approach for users to understand terms and documents
New technology based capabilities
In all of these aspects we can consider how these capabilities are a way
Improving standardization ways of working
Improving point of use support in generation of standardization documents
Allowing users to compare (and select) varying definitions for terms
Our presentation aims to raise awareness of the new ECSS capabilities and
to ask which areas (if any) CCSDS sees the need for closer collaboration
When we recently presented to ISO SC14, the hosts British Standarda
Institute (BSI) were very interested from a "product development "
perspective (so not so much a content perspective).
I believe we have a relevant and interesting message and would very much
hope that this offer is of interest (and is clearly on a non committal
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Sent from IBM Verse
Shames, Peter M (312B) --- Re: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary -
possible CCSDS synergies ---
"Shames, Peter M (312B)" <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Andrew.Herd at esa.int
Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int, Roger.Jegou at esa.int, Laurent.Marchand at esa.int
Mon, 17 Jun 2019 7:59 pm
Re: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS synergies
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for reaching out with this information. You are correct that I
am the Systems Engineering Area (SEA) Area Director, and in that role that
I also have cognizance over the CCSDS SANA website and the Glossary that
we maintain. That Glossary is updated with terms that have been specified
in the various CCSDS Blue Book and Magenta Book normative standards that
we publish. In some cases there are even definitions that were published
in an informative Green Book, especially if these provide a useful
definition that is not otherwise published elsewhere. As the ECSS
Glossary Convenor I suspect that you also have a good understanding of the
sorts of challenges that can be encountered in trying to keep these
Glossaries up to date, and more importantly (at least in my mind) keeping
them harmonized.
I'll be frank in pointing out that for some time now we have been trying
to steer CCSDS toward doing this rather challenging "harmonization" task.
I had one of my JPL guys look at this a while back and we discovered a
number of inconsistencies which were pointed out to the CCSDS Engineering
Steering Group (CESG), which is made up of me and the other CCSDS ADs, and
the CESG chair and deputy. There is an awareness now and several of the
areas are doing the work to start to sort out inconsistencies and
overlaps. After a quick scan of your Glossary using a simple "packet"
query, https://ecss.nl/home/glossary/?qry=packet, it appears that you have
some of the same issues we do, and likely from the same sources.
Issues aside, I am not sure just what it is that you are suggesting. You
have your registry of terms from ECSS documents, some of which are clearly
drawn from CCSDS documents. We have our CCSDS Glossary. And, as you
appear to be aware, the TC20/SC14 is also interested in a Glossary and
would like, I believe, to leverage what already exists in CCSDS,
TC20/SC13. I do not know that the IOAG (not IAQG) has a Glossary of their
own, but they might. I have not looked into that.
I am supportive of their being a glossary of terms related to space and
space exploration. I am also supportive of their being a suitably
comprehensive, but also flexible, reference architecture so that these
terms all can be understood relative to a common technical framework that
is grounded in an architecture. Along these lines, have you looked at the
CCSDS Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS), CCSDS
311.0-M-1? This is the architectural framework we developed years ago.
And there is a companion pair of documents, the Space Communications Cross
Support Architecture, an ADD (Green Book) and an ARD Requirements document
(Magenta Book). These are CCSDS 901.0-G-1 and CCSDS 901.1-M-1. Bother
are to be found on the CCSDS website at
https://public.ccsds.org/Publications/default.aspx. These use the RASDS
framework to describe how some 90 of the CCSDS standards may be deployed
to create interoperable communications architectures. Does ECSS have any
such reference architecture that your standards relate to?
Are you proposing that CCSDS and these other organizations participate in
this ECSS (ESA) workshop in late October? Is this to be a working meeting
or mostly presentations? Did you want us to present our Glossary and
analyses to you, or were you proposing to only present to us?
Thanks, Peter
Peter Shames
CCSDS Systems Engineering Area Director
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 301-490
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Telephone: +1 818 354-5740, Fax: +1 818 393-6871
Internet: Peter.M.Shames at jpl.nasa.gov
We must recognize the strong and undeniable influence that our language
exerts on our ways of thinking and, in fact, delimits the abstract space
in which we can formulate - give form to - our thoughts.
Niklaus Wirth
From: "Andrew.Herd at esa.int" <Andrew.Herd at esa.int>
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 5:06 AM
To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: "Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int" <Nicolas.Bobrinsky at esa.int>, "
Roger.Jegou at esa.int" <Roger.Jegou at esa.int>, "Laurent.Marchand at esa.int" <
Laurent.Marchand at esa.int>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] ECSS work on e-Glossary - possible CCSDS synergies
Dear Peter,
As the ECSS Glossary TF Convenor, I have been asked by the ECSS Technical
Authority to assess your interest in recent capabilities developed
relating to e-Glossary.
Some of these capabilities are already provided on the current public
website - ecss.nl, whilst others have yet to be released as a mobile app
and as a plug-in to Microsoft Word (release expected by July 2019).
We understand that as you are the Area Director - SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
AREA (SEA), you oversee the CCSDS Glossary (and e-based Glossary).
There is a conference / workshop planned for late October, in
Oberfaffenhoffen, and we were asking to present to you and your colleagues
these capabilities to assess the opportunity for collaboration.
We recently presented to IAQG and ISO SC14, and received positive
Many thanks for your consideration,
ESA - European Space Agency
Andrew Herd
TEC Knowledge Management Point of Contact
and Senior Standardization Engineer
Standardization and Engineering Knowledge Management (TEC-QR)
Product Assurance and Safety Department
Keplerlaan 1, Noordwijk, 2201 AZ, The Netherlands
andrew.herd at esa.int | www.esa.int
T +31 71 5656745
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