[CESG] CESG Resolution for CMC approval, SEA-R-2018-04-11

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 20 17:52:46 UTC 2018

Dear Secretariat,

Please process the following SEA resolution to move it through the CCSDS processes for review and approval.  The original CESG resolution was CESG-P-2017-10-001 and three sets of PIDs were raised.  This addresses the resolution of these PIDs.

This resolution, in draft form, has already been reviewed by the CESG, and, after discussion, unanimously approved by show of hands, during our meeting on Monday, 16 Apr 2018.  This is the CESG agreed PID resolution for the TC20/SC13/CCSDS and TC20/SC14 liaison agreement to jointly work on extending the CCSDS Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS, CCSDS 311.0-M-1).

Thanks, Peter


SEA-R-2018-04-11              Request specific extension of existing TC20/SC13/CCSDS and TC20/SC14 liaison agreement to jointly work on extending the CCSDS Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS, CCSDS 311.0-M-1).

The System Engineering Area,

The CCSDS Systems Engineering Area (SEA) has developed and published the CCSDS Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS, CCSDS 311.0-M-1), and that
The ISO TC20/SC14 wishes to develop extensions to the RASDS methodology to meet its specific needs, and that
Explanatory materials have been developed describing the nature of this work (attached file SEA Response CESG-P-2017-10-001 PIDs (edits) 16Apr17), and that
The SEA Systems Architecture Working Group (SAWG) and the CESG have reviewed and approved this resolution, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this resolution and agrees that it is ready to be sent to the CMC for review and approval.

The viewpoint / view architecture methodology in RASDS is entirely suitable for supporting this sort of joint development, and that
The orderly extension of this reference architecture methodology in in the best interests of CCSDS and the ISO TC20/SC14, and that
The leads of the two organizations already have a good working relationship, and that
There already is an overall CCSDS and TC20/SC14 liaison that is documented in the CCSDS Organization and Processes (CCSDS A02.0-Y-4) in Sec CCSDS Liaisons, and that
The exact details of what these extensions will involve and how the result will be published can be handled within the usual CCSDS project chartering process, and that
The CCSDS SEA Area Director is responsible for requesting CMC approval of this liaisons.

RESOLVES to request:
That the CMC review and approve this specific extension of the existing CCSDS and ISO TC20/SC14 liaison agreement, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC review of this proposal for approval, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SEA AD of CMC concurrence with this resolution, and that
The Secretariat then inform the ISO TC20/SC14 of the CCSDS approved wording of this liaison agreement extension.


Specific liaison agreement wording, as revised, (from pg 9 in the attached PPT file)

  *   TC20/SC14 (SC14) and TC20/SC13/CCSDS (CCSDS) agree there is a common, complimentary basis for standards development.
  *   From that basis, they agree to the evolution of a common reference architecture methodology and representation.
  *   SC14 and CCSDS agree to exchange information on the evolution and extension of architecture elements such as reference architecture methodology documents, i.e. Reference Architecture for Space Data Systems (RASDS, CCSDS 311.0-M-1), where relevant.
  *   The SC14 reference architectural elements will be developed and approved in SC14. The CCSDS reference architectural elements will be developed and approved in CCSDS.
  *   Agreement on how/where to publish the resulting document(s) is TBD. it will be agreed between the two organizations after suitable discussion.
  *   SC14 and CCSDS agree to the continued collaboration on standards with common interests.

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