[CESG] CESG Resolutions for CMC approval

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 20 00:02:38 UTC 2018

Dear Secretariat,

Please process the following SEA resolutions to move them through the CCSDS processes for review and approval.

Each of these resolutions, in draft form, has already been reviewed by the CESG, and, after discussion, unanimously approved by show of hands, during our meeting on Monday, 16 Apr 2018.

Thanks, Peter


SEA-R-2018-04-04              Request that each CCSDS Agency and Observer ensure that they have at least one authorized Agency Representative (AR) for managing Agency information in the SANA, and that this information is updated.

The System Engineering Area,

The CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (CCSDS 313.1-Y-1, May 2016) defines CCSDS Organization, Contacts, Service Site and Aperture, and related registries, and that
The RMP specifies that each Agency shall designate at least one Agency Representative (AR) to control the agency information that is stored in these registries, and that
The SANA Operator has created all of these registries and populated them with initial values that were drawn from the CCSDS website records, and that
There is evidence that information for some organizations is missing or out of date, and that
The SEA SANA Steering group (SSG) and the CESG have reviewed and approved this resolution, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this resolution and agrees that it is ready to be sent to the CMC for review and approval.

Each CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organizations who participate in CCSDS are the only authoritative sources of this information, and that
The orderly management of these SANA Registries requires that there is at least one identified AR for each agency, and that
The SANA Operator needs to know who the AR is for each agency in order to operate these registries, and that
The CCSDS SEA Area Director, as chair of the SSG, is responsible for requesting CMC approval of matters relating to the SANA.

RESOLVES to request:
That the Head of Delegation (HoD) of each CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organization confirm their Agency Representative (AR), or assign one if needed, who shall have responsibility for managing the entries in these registries, and that
The AR for each CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organization review the entries in the Organization, Contacts, and Service Site and Aperture registries to ensure that those entries for their organization are present are accurate, and that
These assignments and any needed updates are carried out within one month following CMC concurrence with the resolution, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC review of this proposal for approval, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SANA Operator of CMC concurrence with this resolution.


SEA-R-2018-04-05              Require that each Agency Representative (AR) shall be asked to review the newly imported Mission / Spacecraft from the CCSDS Website and identify overlapping, aliased, missing, and/or retired entries.

The System Engineering Area,

The CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (CCSDS 313.1-Y-1, May 2016) defines a CCSDS Spacecraft registries, and that
The SANA Operator has created this registry, populated it with initial Spacecraft  ID values that were drawn from the original text-based SCID registry, and that
The SANA Operator has further updated and validated this Spacecraft registry using the original paper forms, where available, and that
The SANA Operator has just integrated the separate list of 429 Spacecraft that were maintained on the CCSDS website, and that
This V&V operation has revealed that at least 117 of these spacecraft were not already present in the Spacecraft database, and that
A further (brief) review has indicated that some spacecraft that have allocated SCIDs and are operational are not yet registered in the SANA Spacecraft registry, and that
There is evidence that some organizations have been "self-assigning" SCIDs for operational spacecraft, which raises a risk of significant issues, and that
The SEA SANA Steering group (SSG) and the CESG have reviewed and approved this policy change, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this resolution and agrees that it is ready to be sent to the CMC for approval.

A single, authoritative, registry of Spacecraft and their assigned CCSDS SCIDs is essential for orderly conduct of CCSDS space link communications and cross support, and that
The CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organizations who use CCSDS standards and develop CCSDS compliant spacecraft are the only authoritative source of this spacecraft information, and that
The RMP requires that each Agency or Associate must identify (or confirm) the Agency Representative (AR) who has responsibility for managing the entries in the Spacecraft registry, and that
The SANA Operator needs accurate information about Spacecraft and SCID assignments in order to operate the SCID registry, and that
Failure to correctly assign and use SCIDs could result in significant issues and/or loss of control of a spacecraft, and that
The CCSDS SEA Area Director, as chair of the SSG, is responsible for requesting CMC approval of SANA Policy changes.

RESOLVES to request:
That the Head of Delegation (HoD) of each CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organization confirm their Agency Representative (AR), or assign one if needed, who is delegated responsibility for managing the agency's entries in the Spacecraft registry, and that
The AR for each CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organization review the Spacecraft registry to ensure that those entries for their organization that are present are accurate, and that
The AR for each CCSDS Member, Observer, and Associate organization review the Spacecraft registry and ensure that retired spacecraft are correctly marked and the SCIDs are returned for use, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC review of this proposal for approval, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SANA Operator of approval for this operational policy change.


SEA-R-2018-04-06              Approve controlled access to the SANA CCSDS Service Site and Aperture Registry (SS&A) for both read only and write operations

The System Engineering Area,

The CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (RMP, CCSDS 313.1-Y-1, May 2016) defines a Service Site and Aperture (SS&A) registry, and that
The SANA Operator has created this Provisional registry and populated it with initial an initial aperture list and related values drawn from the IOAG RF Asset Registry, and that
The majority of the data values in this SS&A registry can be discovered on-line via public websites and/or Google Maps, and that
The Cross Support Area (CSTS and SM WG), the MOIMS Area (Nav WG), and the SEA Area (D-DOR and Sec WG) need to make reference to and update the sites and services that are registered in the SS&A registry for their standards, and that
The users of these standards require read access to this SS&A registry, and that
These Working Groups, from time to time, require controlled access to these registries to make updates, and that
The SEA SANA Steering group (SSG) and the CESG have reviewed and approved this policy change, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this resolution and agrees that it is ready to be sent to the CMC for approval.

All of the SANA registries are designed, by intent, to have open public access, and that
The SANA Operator needs clear guidance as to access policies where any restriction on access to a registry is required, and that
The CCSDS SEA Area Director, as chair of the SSG, is responsible for requesting CMC approval of SANA Policy changes.

RESOLVES to request:
That restricted access to the SANA Service Site and Aperture (SS&A) registry be made available, and that
Only persons who are registered in the CCSDS Contact registry, and have CCSDS CWE credentials, be permitted read-only access to the SS&A registry, and that
Only persons who are appointed Agency Representatives (AR), or who are designated Points of Contact (PoC) for authorized Working Groups, be granted permission to request changes to the SS&A registry, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC review of this proposal for approval, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SANA of approval for this operational policy change.


SEA-R-2018-04-07              Approve the SANA Operator marking all Glossary entries (both Terms and Acronyms) that have a relevant, approved, document as “Approved” and not “Provisional”.

The System Engineering Area,

The CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (RMP, CCSDS 313.1-Y-1, May 2016) defines CCSDS Glossary registries (Terms and Acronyms), and that
The SANA Operator has created this registry, populated it with initial Glossary (Term and Acronym) values that were initially drawn from the approved CCSDS Documents, and that
The Glossary entries have been defined and approved in published CCSDS documents that have undergone Agency, CESG, and CMC approval processes, and that
The Glossary entries in this registry are now marked as "Provisional", and that
The SEA SANA Steering group (SSG) and the CESG have reviewed and approved this policy change, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this resolution and agrees that it is ready to be sent to the CMC for approval.

This Glossary, due to the terms and acronyms being formally defined in approved standards, ought to be marked "Approved" and not "Provisional", and that
The SANA Operator needs clear guidance as to approval status of a registry or parts thereof, and that
The CCSDS SEA Area Director, as chair of the SSG, is responsible for requesting CMC approval of SANA Policy changes.

RESOLVES to request:
That all the Glossary Terms and Acronyms in the SANA Glossary registry that are in current documents be marked "Approved", and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC review of this proposal for approval, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SANA Operator of approval for this operational policy change.


SEA-R-2018-04-08              Require that the CCSDS Secretariat (website operator) shall provide their current Organization, HoD, and PoC information in a form that can be ingested into the SANA Organization registry, and that the SANA registry shall be used as the authoritative source after this initialization.

The System Engineering Area,

The CCSDS SANA Registry Management Policy (RMP, CCSDS 313.1-Y-1, May 2016) defines a CCSDS Organization registry, associated contents and policies, and a related Contact registry, and that
The SANA Operator has created this Organization registry, populated it with initial Organization, name, address, and Head of Delegation (HoD) values that were drawn from the previous, somewhat ad hoc, registries, and that
The CCSCS Secretariat is the authoritative source of CCSDS Organization and HoD information for Member Agencies, Observer Agencies, Associates, and Liaison Organizations , and that
The CCSDS Secretariat does not manage this information in an accessible database, it is in various web page lists and tables, and that
The SEA SANA Steering group (SSG) and the CESG have reviewed and approved this policy change, and that
The SEA AD has reviewed this resolution and agrees that it is ready to be sent to the CMC for approval.

This SANA Organization registry is implemented, complies with the RMP, uses database technology, and provides a programmable interface, and that
The CMC is to remain the authorizing entity for all member agency and other organization participation approvals, as specified in CCSDS Org and Proc, CCSDS A02.1-Y-4, and that
The CCSDS Secretariat is to remain the source of information for member and other organization changes, and that
The CCSDS Secretariat needs clear guidance as to how it should handle this information, and that
The SANA Operator needs clear guidance as to updating the Organization registry, and that
The CCSDS SEA Area Director, as chair of the SSG, is responsible for requesting CMC approval of SANA Policy changes, and that
The CMC is responsible for requesting CCSDS Secretariat and website policy changes..

RESOLVES to request:
That the CCSDS Secretariat provide all of the current CCSDS organization information that it has in an agreed form suitable for ingest into the SANA Organization registry, and that
The CCSDS Secretariat provide all of the current HoD, and other PoC information that it has in an agreed form suitable for ingest into the SANA Contact registry, and that
The SANA incorporate this information into their Organization and Contact registries, resolving any ambiguities, and that
The SANA Organization and Contact registries shall be the authoritative source of this information, with updates controlled by the CCSDS Secretariat, and that
The CCSDS Secretariat modify their Organization and related Contact web pages to draw this authoritative information directly from the SANA registries, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC review of this proposal for approval, and that
The Secretariat then inform the CCSDS Secretariat and the SANA Operator of approval for this operational policy change.


SEA-R-2018-04-09              Ask CMC for candidates to lead a new Time Services BoF.

The System Engineering Area,

The IOAG, in IOAG Service Catalog 2, has identified a "Time Services Group" that includes a Time Synchronization Service, and that references Time Transfer and Clock Correlation functions, neither of which are standardized at present, and that
The CCSDS Management Council has asked the SEA to initiate a Time BoF that is intended to standardize these new services, and that
The SEA AD has previously asked the CMC for candidates for Working Group / BoF chair, and that
The CCSDS Agencies, to date, have only provided staff who are "interested in the topic", but no one to lead the work.

Any new WG or BoF must have dedicated, capable, leadership, and that
The absence of a nominated leader with suitable technical skills has put any progress on this work at jeopardy, and that
Failure to identify a technically competent WG lead for this effort will result in this request from the IOAG not being met.

RESOLVES to request:
That the CCSDS Management Council members be polled again and asked to identify candidates qualified to lead this Time BoF and the follow on Working Group, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC poll for one or more candidates, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SEA AD of the outcome of this poll.


SEA-R-2018-04-10              Ask CMC for candidates to lead the Delta-DOR WG.

The System Engineering Area,

The SEA has had a small, but effective, WG to develop Delta-DOR standards for high resolution plane-of-the-sky position determination, and that
The previous WG Chair has had a change of position and is no longer able to lead this work, and that
The CMC is to be polled for any suitable, knowledgeable, candidates to lead this work.

Every WG requires dedicated leadership, and that
The absence of a capable leader has put progress on this work in jeopardy, and that
Failure to identify a technically competent WG lead for this effort may result in a significant slow down in this WG.

RESOLVES to request:
That the CCSDS Management Council members be polled and asked to identify candidates qualified to lead this D-DOR Working Group, and that
The Secretariat initiate the CMC poll, and that
The Secretariat then inform the SEA AD of the outcome of this poll.

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