[CESG] REMINDER: Draft Notes of CESG meeting on 15th May 2017; Proposed changes to Technical Quality and consistency of CCSDS Books

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed May 24 18:24:10 UTC 2017


This point about the quality of the documents starting with the WG and the ADs was made several times during the CESG meeting.  This did not make it into your minutes, but it was spoken and discussed more than once.  The fact that you chose to emphasize the role of the CESG in identifying issues after the fact, instead of putting the emphasis where it belongs, at the source, is itself a problem.

The point was made, more than once, that the quality of CCSDS documents MUST start with the Book Captain, the WG chair, and the AD for that area.  Failing to deal with this at the source is why the rest of us, or those of us who do engage in the process, have all this "clean-up" work to do.

The guidance in the CCSDS Organization and Process manual, CCSDS A02.1-Y-4, seems quite clear on this point of where responsibility rests.  It is presented "top down" in the Org & Proc doc, but the work clearly starts "bottom up" in the Working Groups.

In the CCSDS Org & Proc in Sec, the CESG, as a whole, is given the responsibility, as stated:

  *   a)  maintaining and upholding the overall technical quality and consistency of the evolving set of CCSDS Recommended Standards and Practices; 

So the CESG is ultimately the "technical quality gatekeeper".  But each Area Director also has Responsibilities, sec

  *   d)  ensuring that CCSDS documents are properly categorized and that they embody the content and quality expected of documents of their type; 

And fundamentally, the WG chair has the initial responsibility, Sec

  *   e)  ensuring that documents developed by their WG are properly categorized and that they embody the content and quality expected of documents of their type; 

If we cannot all agree on this point then I think there is no recourse but to bring this disagreement to the CMC.

Regards, Peter

From: Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 7:16 AM
To: Peter Shames <peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov>
Cc: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>
Subject: REMINDER: Draft Notes of CESG meeting on 15th May 2017; Proposed changes to Technical Quality and consistency of CCSDS Books


I am not prepared to accept some of your suggested additions
During discussion it was made clear that the process of ensuring CCSDS document quality must start with the originating WG and AD, prior to the document ever being sent forward to the CESG.
... said, starting with the originating WG and Area, at .....
The primary process changes are to require that the WG and AD’s do a more thorough check before sending books forward, that the members of the CESG provide feedback at the earliest opportunity, and that the CESG should issue PIDs, ad well as RIDs, during agency reviews.

Why?  because we agreed on the text below, on which Brigitte made a photo with her mobile to immortalise the agreement.

[cid:image001.png at 01D2D480.435F7F00]


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