[CESG] REMINDER: Draft Notes of CESG meeting on 15th May 2017; Proposed changes to Technical Quality and consistency of CCSDS Books

Nestor.Peccia at esa.int Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Wed May 24 14:16:56 UTC 2017


I am not prepared to accept some of your suggested additions
During discussion it was made clear that the process of ensuring CCSDS 
document quality must start with the originating WG and AD, prior to the 
document ever being sent forward to the CESG. 
... said, starting with the originating WG and Area, at .....
The primary process changes are to require that the WG and AD?s do a more 
thorough check before sending books forward, that the members of the CESG 
provide feedback at the earliest opportunity, and that the CESG should 
issue PIDs, ad well as RIDs, during agency reviews.

Why?  because we agreed on the text below, on which Brigitte made a photo 
with her mobile to immortalise the agreement.


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