[CESG] SEA-R-2015-11-003 Request to re-start the System Architecture Working Group (SEA-SA)
Shames, Peter M (312B)
peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Nov 23 22:13:21 UTC 2015
Dear CCSDS Secretariat,
Please find attached the SEA resolution concerning the System Architecture Working Group. This requests that a CMC Poll be created to approve re-start of the SAWG and three new projects.
Note that the SAWG includes several projects, but based upon the agreed phasing from the CESG meeting on 13 Nov 2015 we are only requesting CMC approval and resources to do the initial CCSDS Reference Architecture, the RASDS re-fresh, and the SANA Registry Management Policy.
Thanks, Peter
SEA-R-2015-11-003 Request to re-start the System Architetcure Working Group (SEA-SA)
The System Engineering Area,
The System Architecture BoF has produced a revised charter and descriptions for several related tasks;
and that the tasks include:
CCSDS Reference Architecture (in 2 phases)
RASDS 5 year review and refresh (first of 2 phases)
Registry Management Policy and information model (and ancillary documents)
At a later time, as resources are available:
RASDS refresh and update (second of 2 phases)
XML Guidelines
CCSDS ontology
And that a the CMC and CESG have both been polled for alternative candidates for the WG Chair and none were proposed,
And that the SEA AD has reviewed and approved this draft charter and projects (Sec;
The CCSDS Policies for creating (or re-starting) a WG requires a CESG Poll (Sec and CMC approval (Sec 5.5.2);
And that the conditions for the CESG poll have been satified and agreed at the 13 Nov 15 CESG meeting.
RESOLVES to request:
That the Secretariat forward the Charter, the attached Concept Paper, and project definitions entered into the CCSDS Management Framework (http://cwe.ccsds.org/fm/Lists/Charters/sea.aspx) to the CMC;
And create the necessary poll for the CMC, to review and approve the WG re-start, and agree to provide resources for the three initial project tasks, as listed above.
And RESOLVES to request:
That the Secretariat create, at the same time, a CESG poll for the proposed WG Chair.
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