[CESG] CMC Fall 2015 Meeting: Actions placed upon ADs & more
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Nestor.Peccia at esa.int
Thu Nov 19 13:11:12 UTC 2015
Dear all,
First of all, I would like to pass you the CMC thanks for the hard work
done by your Areas to achieve our goals (within a resource constrained
environment) and for the effort dedicated to update the on-line strategic
plan and Projects.
Individual actions were placed on each AD to update the Area contents and
CWE Projects according to the agreements during the joint GESG / CMC
meeting. Due date for the actions will be end Jan 2016.
I attach for the sake of completeness, my updates to the CESG prepared
power point presentation.
I also attach the last version of the Resource table, where we added an
additional sheet for the draft projects missing resources in 2016. Every
Agency will fill the table with a color driven priority scale. Osvaldo
Peinado (DLR) will consolidate the inputs.
This will help us to seek the missing resources.
A new sub-folder (resources) was created in the CESG Fall 2015 folder.
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