[CESG] Materials describing the SANA name and number registry issues

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Jun 1 18:48:24 UTC 2015

Dear CESG Colleagues,

Attached is the set of materials on SANA name and number registry issues that I presented today during the CESG telecon.

I believe that there is general agreement that there is a real issue and that this approach will resolve the major problems with these top level registries without being a major added burden.

I also noted the following concerns raised during discussion:

- NP concern about too many “expert groups”, wants to stick to just SSG

- MS concern about how collisions among WG requests will be handled

- EB concern about needing to have an info model and clear policies for the WGs to follow (MS as well)

The materials that I will forward, as proposed updates to the SANA YB, the SCID BB and the MACAO BB, will address all of these concerns.  I will also review these with the SANA Operator and the CCSDS Secretariat to make sure that the proposed approach is acceptable to them and also implementable.

Best regards, Peter

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