[CESG] Next CESG webex on 13th July 17:00 hrs CET

Shames, Peter M (312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Thu Jul 9 18:41:41 UTC 2015

Ciao Nestor,

I understood from the previous CESG Minutes that the SANA registry issues and progress was going to be a key topic for the upcoming CESG Telecon.  Unless it is somehow represented by the topic "SANA YB Status" I do not see it on the agenda.  The CESG minutes said:

     *   SANA registries (including Registry management Policy doc from PS)

Highest Priority is the Agencies, organization and people. PS will make some change recommendations to the SANA YB, MACAO BB (MOIMS doc) and SCID BBs.(CMC Doc).

PS will discuss with the SABNA operator and the Secretariat to verify that none of the proposed changes have side effec implications

CESG to look at the SOIS RFID Tag encoding BB SANA section

  *   Next CESG meeting will be on 13th July at 17:00 hrs CET

I have prepared some updated materials that I sent to the SSG and have reviewed with the SANA and CCSDS Secretariat.  I would like to make sure that we have enough time on the agenda to discuss this.  A package of updated documents for review will be sent out later today along with the resolution for review.

Best regards, Peter

From: <cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg-bounces at mailman.ccsds.org>> on behalf of Nestor Peccia <Nestor.Peccia at esa.int<mailto:Nestor.Peccia at esa.int>>
Date: Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 8:23 AM
To: CCSDS Engineering Steering Group - CESG Exec <cesg at mailman.ccsds.org<mailto:cesg at mailman.ccsds.org>>
Subject: [CESG] Next CESG webex on 13th July 17:00 hrs CET

Dear all,
Draft agenda

  1.  Actions status
  2.  Document queue status
  3.  Polls with conditions not yet resolved ?
  4.  Update of on-line Strategic Plan
  5.  Project Resource Table
  6.  Draft Projects Status
  7.  ICPA (will we complete Monitored data and SDLS protocol by end 2015 as requested by IOAG? , CSTS File Transfer status?)
  8.  Terminology / Glossary
  9.  SANA YB status
  10. How about also recording CESG voting patterns?  I believe that a lot of ADs always vote  “Abstain” or “Approve  unconditionally”, even for  documents with many obvious issues.  The issue is not just if they show up, but also how they carry out their duties.

Comments welcome

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