[Ccsds-omg-liaison] CCSDS/OMG working relationships

Adrian J. Hooke adrian.j.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 16 13:34:17 EST 2005

At 10:12 AM 2/16/2005, Jon Siegel wrote:
>I've added the chairs to the addressee list. Adrian, is it possible for 
>you to invite them to the Mgmt Council meeting too?

Jon: FYI, they are already on the mailing list. The members of the list are 
the SDTF co-chairs, the CCSDS Area Directors and Deputies, with Kaufeler, 
Siegel and Hooke as formal contact points. The list members are therefore 
as follows:

adrian.hooke at jpl.nasa.gov
bkizzort at harris.com
c.plummer at skynet.be
dstanton at keltik.co.uk
durst at mitre.org
gerard.lapaian at cnes.fr
gerry.simon at schriever.af.mil
Gilles.Moury at cnes.fr
Jean-Francois.Kaufeler at esa.int
Jean-Luc.Gerner at esa.int
nestor.peccia at esa.int
Patrick.Plancke at esa.int
peter.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
secretariat at mailman.ccsds.org
shane.david at nro.mil
siegel at omg.org
tyamada at pub.isas.jaxa.jp

I suggest that once we have worked on this mailing list to draft the 
proposed terms of reference for CCSDS-OMG cooperation, we will then decide 
how to present the case to the CMC. Conversely, you might want to think 
about adding this item to the agenda for the OMG's counterpart of the CCSDS 
Management Council?

Best regards
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