[CESG] CCSDS Resolution SEA-R-2023-10-001, appointment of Marcus Wallum as the SEA Security WG Deputy Chair

Shames, Peter M (US 312B) peter.m.shames at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Oct 10 19:02:01 UTC 2023

Dear CCSDS Secretariat,

Resolution: Appointment of Marcus Wallum as the SEA Security WG Deputy Chair

The Systems Engineering Area,

CONSIDERING that the position of SEA Security WG Deputy Chair is open,
And that ESA has nominated Marcus Wallum, who has been an active member of the WG, to fill that position,
And that Marcus has the necessary experience in the WG and excellent credentials.
And RECOGNIZING that responsibility for recommending a WG Deputy Chair is an AD responsibility,
And that approving the WG Deputy Chair is a CESG responsibility (CCSDS Org & Proc, A02.1-Y-4c2, Sec CESG Responsibilities, Clause n)

RESOLVES to request CESG to approve the appointment of Marcus Wallum as the SEA Security WG Deputy Chair, and

REQUESTS that a CESG poll be conducted to accomplish this.

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