[Sois-tcons] TCONS Red Book Draft

Steve Parkes sparkes at computing.dundee.ac.uk
Mon Sep 13 07:58:37 EDT 2004

Dear TCONS Members,

I'm sending this again because it appears to have got lost the first time!!

Please find attached the latest version of the TCONS read book. Ignore
sections 1, 2 and 5.

Section 3 describes the Transport and Network layer protocols with the
exception of the Scheduled Service (sorry I ran out of steam/time, but will
complete this section before the next SOIS meeting).

Section 4 describes the sub-network dependent convergence layer (to be
renamed Generic Data-Link Layer).

Please do not edit the document. Please do send me comments. I will do the

Max, Keith, Dai please check the abstract primitive definitions to make sure
I have written about them in the right way.

Greg, Keith, Stuart (Mills) please check the APIs to make sure they are real
C-code and make sense.

Rick please check the sub-network convergence layer since this is really an
OBL task (I think).

Max is there enough information to start the SDL modelling, if so can you
get it done before the next SOIS meeting?

Jane please check the overall consistency of the document (sections 3 and 4



Steve Parkes
Space Systems Research Group
Applied Computing
University of Dundee
Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 1382 345194
Fax: +44 1382 348838 

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