FW: [Sois-tcoa] Time Access Service

Abhijit Sengupta Abhijit.Sengupta at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon May 9 15:18:57 EDT 2005

At 5/9/2005 06:07 AM, Stuart Fowell wrote:
>  Dear all,
>See emails below. Can we try for the 16th?
>For the review, attached are:
>1. The original document (draft 1)
>2. Abhijit's comments.
>3. My comments
>4. An updated version from Chris (adding an appendix).

In an attempt to make the lives of others less miserable by avoiding the 
problems I faced in opening attachments referred to in Stuart's email, all 
these attachments are zipped into a zip file, excepting Stuart's comments. 
I hope the zip file will be stored and downloaded properly - if not we are 
still in trouble. Let us see if it works.

Stuart: You might recall I sent you email on April 26 that your comments 
could not be accessed.


All personal and professional opinions in this email are my own
and do not represent, in any way, the opinion or policy of JPL
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