[cssm] Telecon reminder + proposed agenda for October 1

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Sep 27 22:55:53 UTC 2024

CSSM Colleagues,

A reminder that our next teleconference is scheduled for October 1.  The proposed agenda is below.

Best regards,

--proposed agenda--

  1.   General Announcements
  2.  Action Items Check
  3.  Fall Meetings Planning
  4.  FRM, FRINs, and managed service context
     *   Do we need some sort of best practice re FRIN allocations/assignments?
  5.  DDOR WG XML inputs
     *   refer to email of September 12 (may show as September 13, depending on time zone settings)
  6.  Initial/draft DTN reference scenarios
     *   SIS DTN WG has begun producing some reference scenarios -- probably good to take a look in preparation for potential joint meeting at the upcoming fall meetings
  7.  AOB

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