[cssm] FRM, FRIN, SACP, etc. splinter session #3

Barkley, Erik J (US 3970) erik.j.barkley at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Sep 23 17:47:06 UTC 2024

CSSM Colleagues,

240923 Update: it looks we again won't have a quorum for the September 25th date.  I am therefore moving this to the next indicated open date among key participants which looks like October 22, to ensure we have a date on the calendar. However, I would like to see if we could co-opt, so to speak, the CSSM October 1 working group teleconference date to address the FRM considerations. Doing so, will of course be at a lower priority versus fall meetings planning, etc.

240913 Update:My apologies for having to move this.  Although I have made progress on my action item, it is not sufficient for the teleconference as scheduled for Monday (September 16).  Hence the re-scheduling.

Best regards,
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