[Smwg] Updated CSSM Actions

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSI0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Fri Oct 21 12:35:16 UTC 2016

Dear CSSM Colleagues,

The action item list has been updated as a result of our Face-to-Face meeting. The list is attached and has been uploaded onto the CWE. The following actions are due by the end of the year.

It was great seeing you. Safe Travels!

AI#     Action  Assignee        Due Date
2016-1017-2     Provide definition of "Look Angle" for PIF;     JPC     7-Nov-16
2016-1017-3     Provide definition of start and stop comm event for PIF;        JPC     7-Nov-16
2016-1020-13    Create a CWE directory structure diagram and send to WG KT      14-Nov-16
2016-1020-10    Update the SoS schema to reflect changes agreed upon with attributes and namespace approach     HD      30-Nov-16
2016-1020-11    Update SoS Annexes to reflect updated schema    CH      30-Nov-16
2016-1020-14    Develop examples showing DDOR parameters, config profiles, planning requests and service package requests       EB      7-Dec-16
2016-1017-1     Update PIF per updates discussed in Rome meeting        CH      30-Dec-16
2016-1017-4     Check the Planning Event terminology with the CCSDS catalog     CH      30-Dec-16
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