[Smwg] CSSM Actions due by the next Telecon on 13 Sept.

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSI0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Mon Aug 29 12:12:12 UTC 2016

Dear CSSM Colleagues,

The action item list has been updated per an email from Erik.. The list is attached and has been uploaded onto the CWE. The following actions are due by our next telecon on 13 Sept. Also see the actions that have not been assigned a due date:

AI#     Action  Assignee        Due Date
2016-0408-21    Go through and identify the info entities given latest developments and proposed info entities to working group EB      17-Aug-16
2016-0408-19    Update strawman Service Catalog based on Cleveland meetings input       HK      31-Aug-16
2016-0119-1     Update SoS to include the RMP yellow book reference     EB      10-Sep-16
2016-0408-1     Update SoS with overview diagram that was produced by Marcin    EB      10-Sep-16
2016-0408-2     Tweek/update SoS registry text, including SANA URLs     EB      10-Sep-16
2016-0408-3     Check SoS Annex A for proper list of information entities       EB      10-Sep-16
2016-0408-30    Update inter-recommendation tracking spreadsheet based on Cleveland meeting     EB, KT  12-Sep-16
2016-0408-24    Change title and references of Planning Data Format to Planning Information Format      CH, KT, GN      13-Sep-16
2016-0408-26    Further develop an updated CWE directory structure and implement        KT      13-Sep-16
2016-0405-1     Review the Concept Book  for Service Agreement and Configuration Profile extensibility and check for consistency with the current concepts      JVP     TBD
2016-0407-2     Update SM Lifecycle Model with latest document plan     JVP     TBD
2016-0408-13    Revise draft SA/CP book to remove temporial aspects - more of "static" recommendation. Coordinate with event sequence development       JVP, PP TBD
2016-0809-1     Work with the organization of the information entities as listed in the inter-recommendation tracking spreadsheet and factor in the different request types identified in the SMURF     EB      TBD

Karen L. Tuttle
216 308-6922 (Work Cell)

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