[Smwg] CSSM Actions Due by next Telecon on June 2

Tuttle, Karen L. (GRC-MSC0) karen.l.tuttle at nasa.gov
Thu May 28 22:50:40 UTC 2015

CSSM Colleagues,

The following actions are due on or before the next telecom on 2 June 15:

Action  Assignee        Due Date
Add diagrams into model and class tabs in inter-recommendation tracker  KT      2-May-15
Provide HK with each agency’s Service Catalog or similar information    All     15-May-15
Analyze DDOR service request and indicate mapping to CSSM re: abstract service request  EB, JPC 25-May-15
Identify Planning Book test cases       EB, MG  29-May-15
State policy for schema maintenance regarding SANA and provide writeup of policy. Provide initial input by 13 May.      EB      2-Jun-15
Provide write up on metadata for delta dor use case re: service package and service request     EB      2-Jun-15
Prepare a response to DDor WG to mesh their needs into the CSSM Service Request         EB, JPC 2-Jun-15
Is range rate required for the communication geometry   EB, CH, MU      2-Jun-15
Analyze DDOR service request and indicate mapping to CSSM per Green Book info entities  EB, JPC 2-Jun-15
Analyze the abstract service request model re: targets (planning/service request)       All     2-Jun-15
Research and create SANA registries for the CSSM schemas and data       CH, JVP 2-Jun-15

Karen L. Tuttle
NASA GRC Space Communications & Navigation (SCaN) Standards Manager
216 308-6922 (Cell)

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